Monday- What's new review
Good Monday morning!!! It's my Sunday, so
to all of you on your way to work....hehehe
I thought about mowing the backyard this morning, but if I sit here just a bit longer that feeling might pass. Actually, if I mow, then I can spread out a blanket and maybe get some sun on this pasty white bod. I'm going to Dallas next week, and I'll blind my friends at the pool. White as the Queen's fanny, as a friend used to say. Might be able to get a wee bit of color and some Vit D at the same time. Okay, I've gone and done it....decided to mow after all. See how you guys help me without even knowing it?
Not much else going on, which is very, very good.
How about you???

I thought about mowing the backyard this morning, but if I sit here just a bit longer that feeling might pass. Actually, if I mow, then I can spread out a blanket and maybe get some sun on this pasty white bod. I'm going to Dallas next week, and I'll blind my friends at the pool. White as the Queen's fanny, as a friend used to say. Might be able to get a wee bit of color and some Vit D at the same time. Okay, I've gone and done it....decided to mow after all. See how you guys help me without even knowing it?

Not much else going on, which is very, very good.
How about you???
omg....dont mention cutting the other half thinks thats a mans job.....I dont do it because of allergies and told him the lawn mower is too big for me to push...hehe 
Your going to I am best friend since I was about 20.lives there....I have not seen her since I was 23.....16 yrs..... I hear ya on being lovely bronze tan has faded since I am too lazy to go tan at the gym and its just been too cloudy to lay out. I do need the vit d...... cokes yet....woo I am starting to focus on eating may take a few days to get my crap together as I have to go get groceries and keep better track and the coke thing is still there.......hmmmm.......I gained 2 pds fluid....lost I am at 173.......fluid.....thats got to be it. I kind of shut down for a day or so and did nothing but sleep through my misery....
ok....I gotta shower and go pay my water bill....need that for showers....and buy some food.....the boy might get hungry.....
talk to you soon.....have a great sunshiny day ........its only 80 here.....I am going to sit outside after my errands.....
love ya

Your going to I am best friend since I was about 20.lives there....I have not seen her since I was 23.....16 yrs..... I hear ya on being lovely bronze tan has faded since I am too lazy to go tan at the gym and its just been too cloudy to lay out. I do need the vit d...... cokes yet....woo I am starting to focus on eating may take a few days to get my crap together as I have to go get groceries and keep better track and the coke thing is still there.......hmmmm.......I gained 2 pds fluid....lost I am at 173.......fluid.....thats got to be it. I kind of shut down for a day or so and did nothing but sleep through my misery....
ok....I gotta shower and go pay my water bill....need that for showers....and buy some food.....the boy might get hungry.....
talk to you soon.....have a great sunshiny day ........its only 80 here.....I am going to sit outside after my errands.....
love ya

5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
Sun is shining, weather is beautiful, and I feel draggier than I have felt in a long time. Been battling the kidney stones, rode horses (yes, that was plural) yesterday, and so today I hurt in the side. Need to be riding, mowing, or something, and all I wanna do is stay in bed. Mikey just went and layed down and now Im super tempted at 4:30 in the afternoon. Have a Civitan committee meeting this evening at 7. Who made meetings that late??? I need to be riding, I need to be riding, I need to be riding!!! LOL, geez, arent we a lovely bunch of energy today. Gonna go see whats up w/the hubby laying down this time of day, may catch a nap so that we may never sleep tonight. OH WELL.
See you all later, hope you both enjoyed your vit d. I have not been out much today, maybe I should nap in the yard!!!
Rhonda D, who needs to be, you guessed it, riding!!
See you all later, hope you both enjoyed your vit d. I have not been out much today, maybe I should nap in the yard!!!
Rhonda D, who needs to be, you guessed it, riding!!
Work, work, work. It's too pretty outside for that. Feeling better now that I've been on the Levaquin for a few days. Still not too sure where I got the food poisoning from. Noone else in the family got it so I guess it's the leftovers I ate from the restaurant. I'm going to start back to the gym today. Was feeling too puny last week. If I don't get off my butt and work at it, I'll never lose these last few pounds. How do ya'll handle the "you need to gain weight" comments? I'm 5' 2" and still weigh 142 lbs. Can't they do the math? I've been really lucky in that I don't have any really bad excess skin. It needs firming and toning but I don't have anything hanging or flapping over like another lady I know that had it. My arms are the worst part and even they are getting better. My stomach is still the biggest part of me. I have the male pattern weight that is all mostly in my stomach so I guess it will be the last to go, sigh. I need new scrubs already but I don't want to get any until the fashionistas at work decide what colors they are going to go for this fall. Speaking of weight loss... I saw Wendy, Dr. Roller's nurse, the other day when I went to the cardiologist. She looks fabulous! She had her surgery about a week before mine. Her grandmother hasn't been doing too well lately so ya'll keep her in your prayers. Have a beautiful day everyone.