on 4/10/09 4:19 am
lol... your so funny..... I love yah girl! I am right there with you on the meeting last night... Loved it. Very helpful to me.  And you and Malorie looked marvelous!!!!   And Susan, Your wonderful!

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 4/10/09 11:25 am - Alexander, AR
What's a magazine??   LOL

Honestly, Lisa, it's no big deal. I find all this stuff to talk about and then we run out of time. For me, it's a way to reinforce what I  already know, or learn what I probably should have know from the beginning.
Thanks for your kind words. Glad you slept well!



on 4/10/09 1:40 pm - AR
It got bad here... scary bad. 

BUT we made it here with no damage.

BUT my brother that lives just 10 miles closer to Hot Springs than we do - who should have NOT gotten it as bad as we did (if you looked at the storm's trail on all the maps) - had a tree go through his oldest boy's bedroom roof.  They're all okay... just not happy about it obviously.

Hope everyone else is okay. 
on 4/11/09 12:26 am - Searcy, AR
Everything is okay here.  The wind sounded like a train though, but there was no tornado warnings out for White Co, so I didn't worry about it.  But it did sound scary enough that it woke me up.  And the bright white lightning was freaky to.  I went and woke up my room mate and told him he needed to watch the news so I could go back to bed, LOL
Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0  --  50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds  --  73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8  --  67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08):  205.0  --  37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09):  190.0  --  34.7 BMI
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