In case you didn't see my response to Rhonda T

These new ones are sugar free and have 250 grms calcium citrate, Vit d3 and I think K and magnesium.. I'll have to re-check the website.
Anyway, you'll have to eat a bunch of them to meet the requirements, but I'm going to take a couple of my regular Citracal's a day and let the Chewy Bites be my "treat". Maybe it will let me get rid of that Dove dark chocolate that I eat waaaaaaaayyyyyy to many of!
I am more than a little miffed with them.
The old Citracal Creamy Bites had 500 per "bite". These new ones only have 250 per "bite".
This forces you to eat twice as many to get the same amount of calcium that the old "bites" had in them. I wonder if they are half the size and half the calories?
I'm sure the price will be the same as the old "bites" (like we won't notice we're only gettting half the calcium for our buck)!