Thankful time of year!!!!
We have all had our share of gripes over the last few months, and that is ok, we are family and we cant offer the right support if we dont know of struggles. And that brings me to my first thankful.
1. I am so very thankful for my friends here at Obesity Help that I would never have known w/o this surgery. We are not only friends, we become family, and we understand each other better than most of our actual family.
2. I am thankful, that even though sickness has been rampant in our house this season, it is not due to obesity related issues, and I really cant fathom being this sick w/an addition 100 plus pounds.
3. I am thankful that is approaching the holidays, and my focus is not FOOD, but FAMILY. It doesnt matter to me if there is never another pan of dressing made and if the cranberry company goes out of business, b/c I dont need that to make me happy anymore.
4. I am thanful that when I put on the sweat pants that I bought last week in a size Large, that even though the didnt fall off on their own, they did go on, and didnt look like skin on an overstuffed weinie when they went on as a size large. I can remember when 2X was too tight. Thank you God for Gastric Bypass
5. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who supports me and is there for me at every move, who has been there every step and held me and loved me when I was "too skinny" to everyone else, and he loved me when my weight loss stalled, and he loved me when the steroids blew me up and made me cry cuz I was FAT AS A HOG!!!! Oh, the joy of drugs that mess up your head.
Ok, I have listed 5, and could list 500 more, heck, Im even thankful for little things, like, I had to buy new shoes b/c my others got to big!!!! Every woman loves any reason to buy a new pair of shoes, but for all of them to have to go!!! Who'd have ever thought we'd shrink out of our shoes.
So, what are you thankful for?? Let us reflect on the good and great and wonderful things that God has allowed in our lives, that we would have never even thought of otherwise.
I love you all, and THANK YOU for listening to me cry, gripe, ramble, and so on. Lets all chime in, WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR?
Rhonda D.
Counting blessings really makes you realize how lucky you are. I have so many I'll try not to make the list too long, lol.
I'm thankful for my sister who made it possible for me to have this surgery. She paid every penny of it out of her own pocket. I will never be able to thank her enough. I am loved.
I'm thankful for regaining my life. At 89 lbs less it's amazing how much more I can do everyday and enjoying every minute of it.
I'm thankful for my husband who has loved me and stuck by me every step of the way for the past 32 years. Without his love and support I don't know where I'd be today. He truely changed my life the day he stumbled into it. (That's a whole other story, lol).
I'm thankful that I have three wonderful children that I love and love me back.
I'm thankful for a good job, a roof over my head, and enough to get by. A lot of people don't have even that.
Last, I'm thankful for all of my friends who share their lives with me every day. One can never have too many. I love you all.
1) My DH and my kids..even the stepkids. We are a newly blended family, but we are trying and doing a pretty good job of it. Even the 2 dogs and 4 cats.
2) My dear friends here on OH and my other friends who get me out of my regular routine for our girls nite out. (this Saturday is Murray's Dinner Playhouse)
3)The Holidays and our home.
4) My steady, pretty well paying job that I like most of the time.
5) My beautiful sweet, smart daughter for introducing me to the surgery which is really making a big difference in my life. For Dr. Gibbs and Carrie.
6) For all the blessings that I've overlooked and for those that are coming....
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!