Ok...thought I might fill you guys in on my situation and the reason that I haven't been posting much here the last few days! I went to a conference in Little Rock at the end of last week! I was supposed to go to Heber Springs on Friday night to stay the weekend with my best friend but I started feeling bad so I came home instead! Thank goodness I did that! When I woke up Saturday morning I was very dizzy and my whole body ached all over and I was having chills! Mom took my temp and it was 103 degrees. So my Daddy took me to the doctor's office but they were closed because the doc was out hunting!! LOL! Go figure! Life in a small town!! So Dad wanted to take me to the hospital to get checked out but I refused! Went to Wal-Mart and got some sprite and liquid tylenol and went home and got in the bed! Woke up Sunday morning and felt a lot better! Sunday afternoon started feeling sick again and was miserable all night with a sore throat! Got up Monday and went to the doctor and he checked me out and said I had a severe sinus infection and may have had a touch of the flu or a virus but no sign of that at the moment. No asthma....lungs were relatively clear so no steroids! YAY! He also did a strep throat test and a mono test which were negative! Thank goodness! He gave me a shot and sent me home with two oral antibiotics and some cough syrup that had codiene in it! Well I didnt take the cough syrup until after work last night because I thought it would make me sleepy! I went to my Junior Auxilliary meeting and started feeling really weird! I ended up passing out. They called my Dad and took me to the hospital! Brought me back around and I was covered in red welts on my neck and checst and arms! Also, my throat had almost closed up. They said I was having an allergic reaction to the cough syrup with the codiene since that was the only medicine that I have never taken before! Scared me to death! They gave me several shots and an IV and then finally let me go home around 10 after they observed me for a while.
So needless to say, its been rocky around here for the past few days. Things seem to be better now so thats good! I'll try to be back on here and posting again regularly soon! Just wanted to let you all know what was up because you guys are all like a second family to me!
So needless to say, its been rocky around here for the past few days. Things seem to be better now so thats good! I'll try to be back on here and posting again regularly soon! Just wanted to let you all know what was up because you guys are all like a second family to me!

Geez sounds like your luck runs like mine and alot of our lately. I sure hope its just the weather change and stuff. Im proud you skirted the steroids. I am suffering every minute from them, after having them pumping every 4 hours at the hospital, to now taking them by mouth, but I have the swelling, the irritibility, the crying, and the weight gain. I had to buy a sweat suit yesterday b/c the pain meds locked up my stomach and I was so swollen, I litterally looked 9 months prego, so I bought a LARGE!!! Now im depressed cuz Im wearing a large sweat suit. Granted, it does NOT touch me, but I didnt want to have to ever purchase that again!! OOOOHHHH how I hate prednisone. Plus, it also causes little rashy blister things on my neck and chest, and the water from the shower feels like Im being pelted w/fire.
Glad you are going to be ok, allergic reactions are horrible, I'll say prayers for you and ones of thanksgiving that you skirted the steroids, now if you can just survivee the two oral antibiotics w/o the female issue killing you.
from one sickly to another,
Glad you are going to be ok, allergic reactions are horrible, I'll say prayers for you and ones of thanksgiving that you skirted the steroids, now if you can just survivee the two oral antibiotics w/o the female issue killing you.
from one sickly to another,