I need all your prayers
After 18 years of marriage, my husband left me for another woman that we have know for only 7 months. It happened last Tuesday and it has not gotten any easier. I thought he was my best friend and we shared everything with one another. When I was at my heaviest of 331 lbs and size 30 I never had a worry. Now I am 157 lbs and size 6 and he leaves. I don't understand and probable never will since he has not contacted me since he left. I have seen them everyday around town because they have not kept it hided. Yesterday was the hardest when I past by the local restuart and seen them hugging outside before getting into their truck. I really need the power of prayer to get through this, because I know God is the only thing that is going to ease my heart. I hope to be able to come to the support group meeting to see ya'll because you are the only family I have right now.
Damn. That sums it up. Of course you have my prayers, good thoughts and best wishes that you are able to get through this with as little pain as possible. I'm sure your heart is broken, and understandably so. Wish we were closer to each other so I could give you a good hug and let you just cry.
Boys are stupid
Boys are stupid
I'm so sorry. I have been cheated on by an ex husband ..and turns out it was the best thing that could happen so I didn't ever want him back. But your case is baffeling. I say...get some counseling if you can, and join a divorce care group. They will understand where you are and be able to help. We are here for you too.
Eventally you'll be able to get on with your own life but right now it's a painful process. Take good care of yourself.

Becky, I am SO sorry that you are going through this. You do NOT deserve this.
I really honestly have to believe that this is happening because you were too good for him. For the something better to show up, the obstruction had to be removed first. That is what that man was for you... an obstruction blocking something better from coming along.
I know it is hard now because you are hurting. But it WILL get better. You WILL live through this and your life will be BETTER without him in it.
You can and will do SOOOO much better.