It's been a while.....
Hi everyone! I know, I know.....its been a while! I have been super busy but I have been popping in here every few days just to read the posts. I just wanted to give everyone an update on me since I have received several e-mails wanting to know what is going on and where I have been! First of all, I'm still around! Very busy with work! I have Parent/Teacher conferences Thursday so I am busy averaging grades. Also, we are in a new school improvement program and I am the lead teacher for the 2nd grade Literacy program so I have been sent all over the state to observe different schools. Very hectic but FUN and I have learned a lot!
As far as the weight loss journey goes, I have been doing fantastically! I went for another fill last Wednesday! He only put in half of the amount that he put in last time! He said that is perfectly normal and exactly what he expected to see so that means that I am doing very well! I have lost about 158 lbs. in a little over 16 months. THAT IS A WHOLE PERSON!! AMAZING!! Also, when I lose about 45 more pounds then I can start looking into plastic surgery. I want a tummy tuck and an arm lift. I am so excited about that too but I have to admit that I am a little scared too! But I have worked so hard to lose this weight and come so far that I deserve it and I am going to take the leap and have the surgery as soon as I can! I know it is the final step in completing this long awaited journey for me! I also saw my before pictures and I did not even recognize myself. Its funny how a person can be so overweight and know that they are overweight but never truly realize how they look! It was very shocking to me! I am so thankful that I was allowed the opportunity to have this surgery! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! So if there is anyone out there who is reading this and contemplating whether or not to have the surgery, I say YES!! DO IT!! It is an awesome journey!
Ok, I think that about covers my life for the past few months! Sorry too ramble but you guys know me!! LOL! Hope everyone is doing great in their own journey and taking care of themselves. I promise to try to post more often!
As far as the weight loss journey goes, I have been doing fantastically! I went for another fill last Wednesday! He only put in half of the amount that he put in last time! He said that is perfectly normal and exactly what he expected to see so that means that I am doing very well! I have lost about 158 lbs. in a little over 16 months. THAT IS A WHOLE PERSON!! AMAZING!! Also, when I lose about 45 more pounds then I can start looking into plastic surgery. I want a tummy tuck and an arm lift. I am so excited about that too but I have to admit that I am a little scared too! But I have worked so hard to lose this weight and come so far that I deserve it and I am going to take the leap and have the surgery as soon as I can! I know it is the final step in completing this long awaited journey for me! I also saw my before pictures and I did not even recognize myself. Its funny how a person can be so overweight and know that they are overweight but never truly realize how they look! It was very shocking to me! I am so thankful that I was allowed the opportunity to have this surgery! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! So if there is anyone out there who is reading this and contemplating whether or not to have the surgery, I say YES!! DO IT!! It is an awesome journey!
Ok, I think that about covers my life for the past few months! Sorry too ramble but you guys know me!! LOL! Hope everyone is doing great in their own journey and taking care of themselves. I promise to try to post more often!

Hey there!!!! I was getting ready to send a posse out after you!
WOW you are doing amazingly well!!! The amount of weight you've lost is fantastic, especially since "they" say banders lose slower than rny'rs. You sure have proven everyone wrong with that little statistic, haven't you?
Thanks so much for checking in with us. Please, please come back as much as you can....WE'VE MISSED YOU!
WOW you are doing amazingly well!!! The amount of weight you've lost is fantastic, especially since "they" say banders lose slower than rny'rs. You sure have proven everyone wrong with that little statistic, haven't you?
Thanks so much for checking in with us. Please, please come back as much as you can....WE'VE MISSED YOU!
Hey Susan! Thanks! Yeah, I have to admit that I think I have done pretty well in such a short amount of time. It seems like just yesterday that I was having the surgery and now to think that it has already been 16 months! Amazing!! Things are starting to slow down a little bit so I think that I will be able to post more often! I sure miss y'all too! Take care!