Calling all Sherwood/NLR folks!
My daughter and I have both been approved and now we're just waiting to hear from Carrie with a surgery date. I know there is a support group that meets once a month over at Baptist in LR and I plan to attend next month, but are any of ya'll interested in getting together somewhere over here? I'm so anxious to meet people and listen to all of your stories/experiences/advice, but I wor****il 5 everyday and sometimes Little Rock seems like a whole world away from here.
Maybe, if you check on Janoice's post, you can come to our get together she's trying to put together. We have lots of fun just chatting and making fun of our crazy way of life now. If we can't joke about ourselves, who can we joke about???
Anyway, hope you can get some folks from the other side of the river to get together!

November 12!!! How exciting!!! Mine is 12/3 which seems like forever away. I'm going to eat like no tomorrow until then. I"ll be big as a barn!!!

Hi everyone! I'm still very interested in starting a Sherwood/NLR/Cabot, etc. support group because I learned so much from everyone at the meeting in Little Rock last week, but I'm kinda floundering for ideas at the moment. I think next week is the support group meeting at Baptist downtown, so what do ya'll think about Friday the 21st or Sunday 23rd? Any suggestions about a good place to meet? The Starbucks at the corner of JFK & McCain is kinda small.