Hi All
Hi Gang
Just wanted to let everyone know we registered for the walk today...can't wait to see everyone.
How long is the walk...a mile?? 3 miles?? Couldn't find anywhere that it said except it was gona be at the medical mile...guess that means its a mile...lol.
Everyone have a great weekend.
Johnnie & Sherry
Just wanted to let everyone know we registered for the walk today...can't wait to see everyone.
How long is the walk...a mile?? 3 miles?? Couldn't find anywhere that it said except it was gona be at the medical mile...guess that means its a mile...lol.
Everyone have a great weekend.
Johnnie & Sherry

We are doing great, no problems eating..we have learned what works and what doesn't. Sherry can eat somethings I can't and vice-versa.LOL
Sherry looks great and I think shes just at the size she needs to be. Everyone say i have lost to much and I tend to agree...I'm down to 145 been trying to maimtain but still loseing some...but I feel great.
We went on a cruses back in May and to Florida in July..brought the another grand baby home with us ...Sherry took him back in Aug. We got lots of birtdays this month ...so just busy .
Was wondering about the kids walking...I know under 12 is free but will they get a shirt?
Hope everyone is doing good can't wait to see ya.
Sherry looks great and I think shes just at the size she needs to be. Everyone say i have lost to much and I tend to agree...I'm down to 145 been trying to maimtain but still loseing some...but I feel great.
We went on a cruses back in May and to Florida in July..brought the another grand baby home with us ...Sherry took him back in Aug. We got lots of birtdays this month ...so just busy .
Was wondering about the kids walking...I know under 12 is free but will they get a shirt?
Hope everyone is doing good can't wait to see ya.