1st Fill question
My appt for my 1st fill is Friday at 9:30am, my question is.. can I eat or drink that morning before fill? I know I will be on liquids for 2 days after, but I don't remember reading anything about before, I have a 1 1/2 hr drive to get there, just wondering if I can eat breakfast before or on the way. Thanks in advance for advice, ya'll have made this process so much easier for us newbies.....Robyn
Hi Robyn! I used Dr. Wellborn for my Lap-Band so his policy might be different than your doctor but I wanted to give you some information in hopes that it might help you. If I remember correctly, they do not want you to eat anything two hours before your fill. I think you can drink but not eat. I would advise you not to drink anything other than water on the day before your fill. Sometimes the things you drink causes your pouch to swell so you might not get the best restriction out of your fill. Ok, I think thats about it! I will double check this information when I get home from work and if anything is different than what I have already told you then I will let you know! Hope this helps you out some! Good luck!