What are you eating and what's eating you?
Well, it's my Friday, gotta go to work. Since Monday is my usual day off, no three day weekend for me

Yesterday was a decent day, didn't make any $$ at work, but still had a good one. Got some errands done in the a.m. before going to work, then took off to speak at Dr Gibbs seminar. Looking out at all those hopeful faces took me back to when I was trying to decide if I was going to have WLS. Gosh, that was two years ago and I can still remember the desperation I felt.
Anyway, went back to the salon and had a massage (we trade services, I gave her a hair cut, I got a massage....I think I got the better end of that deal LOL) and then back home to get ready to go to a barbecue at a friend's house. Did pretty well with all the food around. Split a steak with Gary while everyone else had these platter sized pieces of meat on their plates. Kind of disgusting, really. Oh well.
Here's my day:
eggbeater & turkey sausage soft taco on a WW tortilla, 1/2 banana
left over LF mac & cheese (homemade)
SBD high protein cereal bar
2 oz steak (approx), 1/2 baked potato, corn, 1/2 deviled egg
1/2 oz cocoa roasted almods
Talk amongst yourselves. I'll check back in tonight after work. You all have a dandy day, now!
I'm off to town today to do LOTS of errands (grocery shopping, etc). I also have to look for my daughter a clarinet. I am told we have no music stores in HS, so the band director suggested pawn shops (which I'm sure my daughter will love <----said w/ sarcasm). Noone has a clarinet that they want to get rid of, do they?
Here was my intake yesterday/Friday (my experiment day which turned into not so good because of my work schedule from hell):
1 medium banana & 1/2 ounce cocoa roasted almonds | 255.00 | 13.40 | 33.00 | 7.30 | 0.00 | 47.29 |
16.9 ounces water | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16.90 | |
16.9 ounces water | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16.90 | |
chicken soft taco w/ only chicken & lettuce w/ extra chicken & lettuce (Taco Bell) | 110.00 | 3.00 | 2.00 | 18.00 | 0.00 | 24.55 |
16.9 ounces water | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16.90 | |
1 slice wheat & 4 tbsp PB2 | 156.40 | 4.74 | 16.80 | 15.30 | 0.00 | 27.28 |
16.9 ounces water | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16.90 | |
1/2 cup Kroger Deluxe Frozen Yogurt & Da Vinci syrup | 90.00 | 1.50 | 15.00 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
1/2 cup Kroger Deluxe Frozen Yogurt & Da Vinci syrup | 90.00 | 1.50 | 15.00 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
RNY cheeseburger (1 slice wheat bread, 1 slice 2% american, 1 tsp ketchup, mustard & yield from 2 oz lean ground beef) | 175.00 | 5.75 | 13.33 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 29.57 |
1 cup Kroger Deluxe Frozen Yogurt & 7 g banana protein | 200.38 | 3.00 | 32.26 | 10.88 | 0.00 | 13.47 |
1 cup Kroger Deluxe Frozen Yogurt & Da Vinci syrup | 180.00 | 3.00 | 30.00 | 8.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
total | 1256.78 | 35.89 | 157.39 | 87.48 | 67.60 | 25.70 |
I was thinking about your calorie intake stuff. What if you changed the skim milk for 1%? Remember Kelly said that your Vit D would absorb better with just a little fat? It would raise your calories with just a small amount of added fat, and help your D too. Just a thought.
Sorry about your work schedule. At least you get a long weekend to recover. Have a good one, buddy!
I hadn't thought of craigs list. I'm going to try that as soon as I'm done on here! Thanks!
One of the girls at work bought a clairnet at the Pawnderosa (pawn shop on Univ/Col Glenn) for a total of $160. Looked new to me, it was used that little.
Thanks for the info on the health food place. If I get to HS I might check it out.
Do you have trouble with beef or do you just choose not to eat it? I bet either one of those meats would be tender enough to eat after being smoked. Of course, sticking with fish and chicken are best, but an occasional red meat treat is ok, if tolerated. Remember, everything in moderation!
I like your last line about enjoying today.....everyone should live by that. How's your wife, by the way?
Dian is doing pretty well. She had a breast reduction and lift so she has quite a bit of incisional pain. No complications though. It'll just take some time to heal up.
As to beef, I tolerate it pretty well. I have a pretty strong little pouch - not much bothers it as long as quanities are right. I had a great steak at the new Copelands last week. Well, Dian had one and I ate some of it. They have one of those 1600 degree infrared ovens for cooking steak and their steaks are really tender and yummy. The brisket and pork butt just have more fat than I want to take in until I get the rest of my weight off. So I'll just sample a little and be satisfied with that for now.
Funny how tastes change after WLS. I was an old meat, bread and potatoes kind of guy presurgery. Now I'd much rather have some grilled fish and greens. I buy the individually frozen fish fillets in big bags at Sam's and keep em in the freezer. When I want to eat, I just thaw one out,season it up a bit and put it on the grill. My favorites are orange roughy and mahi mahi.
I am enjoying my new way of life and feel better than I have in years. Yes, Life is good.
Gary, my DH has lost 75 lbs since my surgery. I just don't cook the old way any more and he eats the way I do. It's all worked out pretty well. Isn't it nice to share a meal....especially when it's an expensive one LOL.
Glad Dian is doing well. Better living through chemistry!