Support Meeting In Little Rock?
I wont make it, I have a meeting with the advisory council on this job Im taking. It is also a farewell for the girl whos place Im taking. Since she is my ace buddy, I feel I need to be there, plus, I need to know who my advisory council is.
Have fun, and be sure and let me know what you guys do.
Rhonda D.
Have fun, and be sure and let me know what you guys do.
Rhonda D.
We meet in the cafeteria. Well you will walk all the way threw the cafeteria threw some more doors but there is still tables for the cafeteria you will see us gathering at a large table. Hope that makes sence hopefully someone can explain it better. But it is part of the careteria. The meeting usually last from around 6 - 7:30. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I look forward to seeing everyone there and meeting the ones I have not meet yet.