Question of the day......
Good one, Rhonda!
I can relate to the "pit" thing. It's impossible to shave them, so I take a tint brush with some Nair on it and paint my pits! Yep, you should see me standing in front of a full length mirror 1/2 nekkid painting the pits. Can't do it in front of the sink because I can't see inside that hole at that distance.
Three minutes later I'm rinsing off in the shower and it's done.
OMG Susan, you have me rolling over here. Never in a million years would I have thought of Nair, until tonight after reading your post. So when I took my bath, I tried it, and I'll be dang, another wonderful thing I learned from Susan!!!
Im a very visual person, but I tried NOT to imagine you nekked in front of the mirror, lol!!!! Im sure you are a lovely being, but we'll leave that for your sweet studly husband.
Im so glad to have learned that trick though, b/c I have cut myself so many times on that rise of the pit trying to get it smooth!! Now Im smooth as can be, and no cuts or blood!!! GO SUSAN!!!!
Rhonda D. the one w/the new shave technique
I would have to say Before surgery, I could NOT vacume my living room without sitting down before I got finished. Now, I vacume the LR, Hall, Master and guest rooms without sitting down. I thank God everytime I vacume, I mean EVERYTIME! I am so thankful.
Also I fit in the hot tub seats better than I use to. It is funny now because if I turn the jets up on high......I FLY OFF THE SEAT! It is hard for me to enjoy sitting in the hot tub when the jets are on med or high, it pounds my skin harder than it use to ( Just because I don't have that layer of fat covering like I use to).
Great Question!
Oh my Rhonda T.!!!!!! You are so making me roll here. I can just see you flying off the seat!!! Wheeeeeee! Look out, here comes Rhonda T, the flying hot tub woman!!!!!!
Im glad you liked my question, I'll try to keep you hopping these days. I do remember being in a jacuzzi tub in Eureka Springs, and I had to hold on to the side of the bathtub to stay in one spot!!! Oh the joys of WLS!!!
I got one for you on Tuesday too, so get ready to think!!!
Love you girl,
Rhonda D.
I totally agree about the bathroom thing. I use to have bruises also. But it is better now. The thing I am excited about now, is, not having to wear a seatbelt extender when I get in the vehicle. I have had to wear one for years. About a month ago I tried taking it off and voila!!!! The seatbelt actually fit. I was so excited.
Also, Susan, I will have to try the Nair thing. I have often wondered if Nair really worked. My underarm on the left side if kinda deformed because of surgery I had. It is hard to shave. So I'm definately trying the Nair. Thanks.
Just more confirmation that its a mans world, w/the stall thing!!!! And hey, the nair thing works, I tried it tonight. Ive always been a nair girl, but never thought of using it under my arms. I shave from the waist down, or Nair, so now, I guess I can throw away the shaving cream all together, and just buy my melon nair!!!!
Hope we all can learn new tricks from our questions. Thats why I do them, to learn and have a good time.
Love ya,
Rhonda D.
P.S. Missed you at support group this month, hope to see you next month,
Hugs again,
Rhonda D.
Taking A Shower. It used to be horrible and I hated it. Couldn't reach here or there, the shower hose wasn't long enough, couldn't stand in the shower for to long, my back and legs would hurt and I would get so short of breath (which is common with those with lung disease when taking showers, I think it has to do with the steam). I often used a shower chair.
And shaving my legs was a chore, and I rarely did it.
Now I can get in and out of the shower, no more lifting this or moving that to get myself all the way clean and I can easily throw my leg up on the shower bar and shave. I can reach everything now, LOL. My towel fits around me, so I can just get out, wrap in my towel and go sit down and air dry.
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
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