on 7/13/08 11:39 am - Fordyce, AR

Hey guys,

Just wanted to know if anyone has any clue if we are more susceptible to things after surgery than before.  Not like meds, but I got stung 3 times last week by the big nasty red wasps.  I have NEVER been allergic, and I ended up in the er yesterday b/c my arm (wrist) swelled to twice its size and has turned more red than this type. 

I just wondered if anyone has noticed their allergies being different or if again (LOL WENDY) its just my psychotic self!!!!  Life w/me is so crazy, I tell folks I never do things normal, maybe this is just another!!!

Have a great week, gonna try to start the question of the day again this week.

Hugs and Itches,

Rhonda D, the one who lives on benadryl!!!!


on 7/13/08 10:24 pm
Some people can go their entire lives and never have a reaction to a wasp sting and then get stung and drop dead.  I think that wasp stings have different levels of toxicity according to where the wasp nest is located, as well as if we are well hydrated, which aides in getting the immune response hormones to the wasp sting. I get more allergy ridden the older that I get and wasp stings have always kicked me in the butt where I've had to carry the little epie kicks to counteract them.  If you had a bad reaction, get the kit from your doctor. 

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