I Am Home!!!!
Yeppers I got home Thursday night around 7pm. Was beginning to think I may not get to come home Thursday but he came in around 5 and released me.
I have been doing pretty good sence I got home from the hospital. A little sore and hurting but other than that no problems so far. Tomorrow will be one week. I have been to scared to get on the scales LOL.
I had a really bad spell in the hospital the day after surgery. They come to get me up to move to my regular room. Well I stood up and started out the door and got to where I could not breath. Weezing really bad. They had me to sit down until I got to wear I could breath again and in the mean time they called Dr Baker. For some unknown reason they thought it was the pain meds that cauzed it so the Dr told them to give me somethihng to get all the pain meds out of my system. I finally got back on the bed and one nurse told me what they was gonna do. I was so weak and tired I did not really understand what they was doing. All I know is in about 15 or 20 min I had the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. From my chest down it felt like everything was spasming on me. OMG it hurt so so bad. They called the doc back and told him how I was doing. He could probable hear me I was screaming so loud. He told them to get me back on the pump so they did. I can tell you after that I know what pain is. And they found out the pain meds had nothing to do with it.
I was just having a weak spell so they had to put me on ox. with my cpap machine. Needless to say that whole day was wasted cuaz i was not able to walk or anything else after all that until much later and I walked down the hall with no problem at all.
But as I said sence I been home everything has been good.
I do have one question tho kinda off the wall one I think. But those of you who have dentures...do you still use your fixodent or something like that on you dentures? Do you feel it is safe?
Huggers to all,
New one on the Loser Bench heehe
PS please excuse the spelling errors. I never have been a good speller

Welcome home! I have seen how fast Narcan works. They gave it to my mom in the ER once when they thought she may have been oversedated at the nursing home. It was really rough on her too. Sorry you had to go through that. You're home now and it just keeps getting better from here. I'm two and a half weeks out now and I feel like I am on a natural high. No more aches and pains, my energy level is through the roof after being tired all the time for the past few years. It really blows my mind. Welcome to the losers bench!
Welcome to the loser's bench. I was not able to use the pain meds because of my breathing problems so they gave me liquid tylenol, which I could not tolerate. I was on a ventilator for two days and while the pain was bad, I worried more about my being able to be weaned off the stupid machine. You will fill better soon. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to use fixodent. You don't swallow it, do you? My biggest problem post op was gas and being tired. Good luck and again, welcome

OMG I am so sorry they did that to you. Even if they had to, I am still sorry. I don't think I could wish that on anyone, that kind of pain. I was in horrible pain when I first woke from surgery. I had the OnQ pump in my incision, but I did not have any morphine yet. I thought I was dying. But you, oh my, I don't think I could even imagine feeling everything like that.
I wear oxygen with my cpap everynight. Have been since the first time I was put on a cpap. I was already on oxygen (had been for a year or two) though when I started wearing my cpap.
Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0 -- 50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog