Hi everyone....I'm back!!
Hi everyone! Goodness I've missed you guys! I have been away longer than I intended but I'm back now for the time being anyway! There has been a lot going on here lately so let me take a sec to catch everyone up on me.....for those of you who are interested anyway!!!
I went to my best friends house for three weeks. She had Lap-Band done so I was there to help her recover and figure out how to eat correctly and that sort of thing. She did fabulous and has already started seeing results so I am very happy for her!! The day before her surgery I tore three ligaments in my foot. The doctor said I actually tore them off the bone in my ankle! I have been in a boot and on crutches for about three weeks. Anyway, he told me I would be on them for at least six weeks to fully heal but I decided that it didn't really hurt as bad as the first time that I had done it to my other foot in high school so I thought it may not be as bad as originally thought so I took the boot off and wrapped it in an ace bandage and tried to walk and was able to with no problems. So I wore that for a few days and then it was fine so now I am walking like nothing happened. Thank goodness! I think they were just stretched or strained!
Came home from Heber Springs and went to change my contacts and accidently used some old contact solution that expired in like 2000 and burned my eye. My eye doctor is a good friend of my Dad's so he came out to the house on a Sunday afternoon and checked me out and said there would be no permanent damage, just lots of irritation and pain. He said that basically the solution had turned to sal****er and I had burned the surface of my eye. The white part of my eyes were solid red for like four days. It really didn't hurt much after the first two days just the ugly redness and swelling and watering. It's all good now!
Finally, my Daddy is having surgery on his foot Wednesday. He is diabteic. (the main reason why I had this surgery was to prevent getting the horrible disease) Anyway, he has had a sore on his foot for the past year...since last August and it just won't heal. We thought it was just about healed and then it opened again. He went back to his doctor and they told him it was infected and the infection was in the bone. They are going to amputate a small portion of his foot on Wednesday! I'm really upset and scared but I know that we are very fortunate to have caught the infection in time before it had spread farther. Please keep him in your prayers for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!
As you can see, my summer has been off to a rocky start but I have a feeling the remainder will be smooth sailing....I hope anyway! Well sorry to have rambled but I feel like I have been seperated from you guys for such a long time! Take care and I will get started on the "Whatcha Eating" thread again soon! Thanks to those of you who kept it going while I was gone!! Have a great rest of the weekend!

Welcome back, we have missed you but knew you were on a good mission. So sorry everything has happened, will definitely be praying for your dad. My husband is diabetic, so I know how important the care is.
Glad your friend is doing well, and glad your foot was not any worse, torn ligaments are so painful. It has been really active since you have been gone, like before, and we have lots of new faces. We have lots from North Arkansas now, and its great to have them here.
Again, Welcome back, hope the rest of your summer is the way you want it.
Rhonda D.
Thanks Rhonda! I know what you mean about the new members! I have been going back over all the old posts while I was gone and have noticed all the new faces and names! I'm really excited to see them one here! This board is a great place for friends and support. I usually try to welcome everyone personally but I think since there are so many newbies I will make one post to welcome them all! What do you think?
Anyway, thanks again for the welcome back and prayers for Daddy! Take care!

Welcome back! Sorry you've been thru so much lately but seems you have a wonderful attitude. I'll keep good thoughts for your dad's surgery and recovery. My first ex husband is severely diabetic. I had to learn to deal with it for 21 years. I'm with you, I had my surgery to prevent going thru that awful disease. Glad you are back home though. Kelley

Thanks Kelley! I appreciate the good thoughts for Dad's surgery! Its really hard to see someone you love so much going through such hard times and there's nothing you can do to help other than offer encouragement and love. I'm trying to be strong for him though! We will make it through!!
How are you doing in your journey?
Take care of yourself and thanks again for the welcome back and good thoughts for Daddy!