I am back home after having my hernias (yes, plural) repaired by Dr. Fuller today. As always, Dr. Fuller was great. I had a total of 5 of them puppies in one spot just above my belly button. I am hurting about 100X more than I was when I had my bypass and Fred was created. I wish I had some of the good pain killer here instead of just Vicodin. Liquid at that and it is nasty. Speaking of surgeries. I am so sick of surgery. I had 2 operations within a month period. On a greater note, I am now down to 287 pounds and I feel so much better. Nowhere near goal but 40 pounds in 1 month has me tickled pink. Dr. Fuller is impressed also. I am going on the couch- sitting up. Thanks for listening to me.
Feel better Tina! I had a hernia repaired just before my band was put on. Surprise to me..and the Doctor. I think that's why I'm not quite up to par just yet..but trying!