Living at Baptist
I too have been living at BMC. Dr Fuller admitted me Mon. with excruciating stomach pains. He did an upper GI and found out that Fred (what I named my pouch) is perfect. He didn't know what was wrong until in just a conversation, I told him that I used to have a knot above my belly button. Ah Ha- a diagnosis, I have a hernia. I had the CT today to prove it and I think he is going to operate tomorrow. Just a little note to let you know what is going on with me.
Hey Tina,
Wish Id known you were there, Id have stopped by for just a few seconds to say hi. Didnt leave our room except to get something to eat for the most part, he was too sick for me to leave.
Hope you are getting the great nursing care we got, no complaints at all on the nurses and staff. Get better soon!!!
Rhonda D.