OK i don't know what's wrong with me because even if i sleep my regular 8 hours before work I'm still sleepy. I've been back at work since May 31st and I'm fighting sleep all day long. When i go home all i want to do is take my make-up off and soak in a hot tub.
My question to you is this normal . I also find myself snacking but not bad snack, we'll my boyfriend has stopped that by packing my lunch and making sure i don't have any money for the vending machines. Gotta love him! He packs me stuff like grapes, Cheese sticks and Quaker rice cakes (Carmel drizzle is my fave. 90 calories). Frozen juice's and water, on top of my lunch. I don't eat it all but i have enough.
My question to you IS THIS NORMAL!
I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!
Hey "Soakin' Momma"
When do you go back to Dr and do labs? Are you taking your vitimins? When you get labs, they will be able to tell everything that is going on. When I went back at 3 months, I was having trouble drinking and eating enough. I was also needing B-12. Dr Gibbs was right on it too. Maybe somone else will chime in and give you some other ideas. I can tell you, this will pass. Your body is still in shock from the surgery and not eating a zillion calories a day like we use to. I went thru this and one day I woke up and realized I felt good!
I would say, give it a few days and if you are still concerned, give the Dr.'s office a call and talk to them.
Hope that helps!
RhondaT.....the one that is trying to loose my last 30 lbs!
When do you go back to Dr and do labs? Are you taking your vitimins? When you get labs, they will be able to tell everything that is going on. When I went back at 3 months, I was having trouble drinking and eating enough. I was also needing B-12. Dr Gibbs was right on it too. Maybe somone else will chime in and give you some other ideas. I can tell you, this will pass. Your body is still in shock from the surgery and not eating a zillion calories a day like we use to. I went thru this and one day I woke up and realized I felt good!
I would say, give it a few days and if you are still concerned, give the Dr.'s office a call and talk to them.
Hope that helps!
RhondaT.....the one that is trying to loose my last 30 lbs!
Are you getting in enough fluids? It may be dehydration.
Are you low on any vitamins? You may be anemic or need more B-12, etc.
If you are eating more than 4 times per day, you are not following Dr. Baker's plan (3 meals per day and 1 snack if needed). Anything you do OFF plan will probably hurt you more than help you in the long run.
Remember too that frozen juices (albeit probably fruit juices) tend to be high in natural sugars and are caloric. They can cause rises and subsequent falls in blood sugar that could be contributing to the tired feelings you are having.
Good luck!
Hi Mary,
I agree with both Rhonda and Wendy. Are you taking your vitamins?? Your B-12 may be low as well as your iron. Kroger pharmacies will give you a B-12 shot without a prescription for $15. You'd be surprised how much it will help. I get one once a month and it has helped keep my levels up where they belong.
The only calories you should be drinking should come from skim milk and your protein supplement!!! If you want fruit, eat fruit! At least you'll be getting some fiber into your diet. Make the most of your tool by following Dr Baker's rules. Gibbs is stricter than Baker, we don't get snacks until we go to maintenance!!!!
Yep, gotta love the boyfriend who is so supportive!!
Hugs and smoochies
I agree with the others. Make sure you drink the water and take the vitamins. Also, I am jealous that you can eat grapes. I'm almost two years out and every time I try to eat grapes, I get such pain across my abdomen and it stays for days. Also, you are still new out and it may be that you are moving a lot more than you did previous to wls and that is making you tired. I felt a little tired for a few weeks and it took me about four months to really feel good.

Thank you all for the advice...i have made and appointment with Dr. Baker and my PCP Dr. Sanders, she did some blood work last time i just saw her. I know something is wrong due to me not only feeling exhausted but people are telling me I look tired now. Something must be done...So i'm on a quest to find out what i can do better. i know i can't keep going on like this.I promise to keep you all updated!
I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!
Yeah i'm doing better with my eating. I was having problem with getting my protein down.I'm doing better with that. They added B-complex to my meds...not i'm in high cotton. Got more energy than i know what to do with.

I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!
When I fall off track of my daily regimen, I find myself tired, grumpy, sleepy, dopey, sneezey, wait that's the 8 dwarfs, LOL but I do feel that way. I take a liquid B12 every morning with my morning meds and vits (I take them with my protein shake, helps me keep on track) and I notice more energy the morning and early afternoon hours.
Just keep on track and watch for snacking, it is so easy to fall prey to the evils of snacking. It snares me in all the time and I have to fight it. I used to eat out of boredom, and when bored I want to eat, so I try to keep fresh fruit and edy's no sugar added fruit popsicles. A handful of grapes is always good for me, or a popsicle. (or 5 if I am hot, LOL).
I think snacking is my worst demon and I understand how easy it is to snack and how hard it is to stop snacking, and even harder is to find something to do when you feel the need to snack and have no healthy alternatives nearby.
Sometimes when I am craving sweets, I will go and bake some cookies or something and give them away to the neighbours and my room mate. By the time I worked up a sweat mixing them by hand and rolling them into balls and standing in the hot kitchen washing the dishes I dirtied while waiting on the cookies to be done, I am no longer wanting the sweets. LOL But my neighbours and roommate are happy.
Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0 -- 50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog