Body images in America
An interesting topic came up after the meeting last night that I wanted to discuss with all of you. It is something that each of us will experience as we lose weight and near (or even after) our goal.
"As Americans, as a society of overweight, obese and morbidly obese people, we have become so accustomed to everyone looking that way that we have lost the ability to recognize what a "normal" weight person looks like". This is the statement my doctor made when I complained to him that I was getting too thin. I think I was about 20lbs heavier then than I am now.
I'd really like all of you to think about this statement and decide how you are going to react to people's comments as you march down the road to normalcy. People will say things that are rude and unkind, especially after everything each of us has gone through to become normal.....and I don't mean "normal".....the real deal, the normal BMI or normal range your doctor sets for you. Be prepared. It will happen. Mostly people mean well, but it's up to us how we will react. Our friends and family, and even strangers need to be educated about what we're trying to achieve. rant is over. Everyone have a nice day
Here are MY thoughts on the matter!!! Normal for me is not normal for you, and you are right, we arent used to what normal should look like b/c we are killing our younger generation w/food. From what they eat in "most" homes, (not ours I hope) to what the schools feed them under the guise of healthy. That has always been a pet peeve of mine. Read any school menu and show me one that is anywhere NEAR healthy!!!
How do I deal w/this?? When folks tell me Im too thin, or have lost too much, I smile and tell them I appreciate their concern but that my doctor says Im perfectly healthy and normal, and that even though it may not look so to them I really am ok. I will admit that it scared the bejeezies out of me to weigh in at 130 for a while, but I have gotten used to it, and now am not happy in the high 140's. I know, a little obsessive maybe, but I know where I want to be. Always remember why we had this surgery, and I dont think that any of us would say that to be beautiful is our #1 reason, we did it for our health and well being.
Some folks just dont understand that, we must all keep our heads high when it comes to others opinions, especially the negative ones. Its our life, our spouses life and as long as we are happy and healthy, then all I have to say to them is
Rhonda D.
In case you havent noticed- -IM BACK!!!!!!!

I'm getting the "too thin" comments from family and friends alike (and even a couple of strangers).
I know in my mind it is their own ignorance of what a normal and healthy weight looks like. I keep telling myself that every time I get a comment. It's like a mantra I repeat to myself in my head when I get one of those comments, "Dont' worry. I know I am in a normal, healthy weight. It's just their ignorance talking."
Most of the comments I have gotten about being too skinny have been from people who are too fat. So maybe some of the comments are rooted in jealousy. I don't know.