I got banded Wednesday
I had my lap band put in yesterday. The surgeon had a bit of a time with getting the port in and had to make in extra incision, but said it went fine. I am up and walking every hour and fighting the gas pains. My shoulder hurts nearly as bad the the port site.
I am thirsty alot too, but am scared to drink too much. I am drinking 4 ounce juice boxes at the rate of about 1 every 3 or 4 hours, and working in 4 ounces of water every few hours too.
How much is enough and too much to drink?
Hi! I had my band put in about a year ago. I honestly cannot remember there being a restriction on how much we could drink. I remember drinking quite a bit. Matter of fact, I did not eat for like the first two days. All I did was drink because my shoulders hurt so bad! I will go back and look at my notes from before surgery and see what I can find out for you and I will let you know! Take care of yourself and keep getting those fluids in!!

I have been banded for about 9 months or so. I don't remember how much liquid, but just drink as much as you can. You might feel some pain right in the middle of your chest. That's your signal to slow down, but don't worry. Every day, it will get easier to drink. Before you know it, you'll be on a soft diet and your world will change. :)