WHATCHA EATING.....Friday Edition??
Goodmorning everyone! Other than the fog, this has started off as a beautiful day here in Eastern Arkansas. So, what are we eating today guys and girls??
Breakfast- 1/2 sausage and biscuit
Lunch- tuna fish and a slice of bread. Probably won't be able to eat the whole half a sandwich but I brought it anyway!! LOL!
Snack- either peanuts or the rest of my sandwich from lunch if I don't fini**** then!
Dinner- I am going to the mall tonight so it will probably be some kind of greasy fast food which I have lost most of my desire for since having this surgery!! That's a good thing right?? Never thought I would be saying that! LOL! I will update later to let you know what I had!
Have a great day and EVERYONE share with us what you are eating today!

Breakfast - 1 slice toast, 1/4 cup chex . coffee Lunch - Jr. Cheeseburger - diet coke Snack - granola bar then ate about 10 Whoppers - not a good idea but...ok no buts I'm really struggling this week with eating. I'm not doing really well - emotion eating and falling into old bad habits. Dinner - planning on pasta with meat sauce.
Breakfast--bowl of quaker wheat cerael
Snack--Granola Bar
Lunch--Homemade deer stew
Snack--Trail mix
Dinner--Who knows, not really wanting it
Drinking was better today, had some crystal lite, some coffee and some ice water if you can believe that. Tea at McD's was sour, so I was left with ice water!!!! Yuk, but I spose it was good for me.
Tomorrow is a new day, hope its better.
2 tbsp PB2 + 4/8 apple slices (large yellow apple?) |
1 protein slam + 16.1 ounces crystal light |
20 ounces crystal light |
1/4 cup Stroganoff (Hamburger Helper) & 1/4 cup AuGratin potatos |
1 ounce cocoa roasted almonds & chicken soft taco - tortilla & cheese (Taco Bell) |
16.9 ounces water |
2 tbsp PB2 + 4/8 apple slices (large yellow apple?) |
20 ounces skim milk + 2 tablespoons sugar free chocolate syrup |