
Low vitamin d and now scan on monday

on 5/1/08 8:15 am - conway, AR
I got a call from my Doctor yesterday. H e said I needed to go to Conway Regional Hospital on monday for a scan on my neck. My lab work came back showing something wrong with my parathyroids and very low vitaimin D. I am so scared !!! I had to have 3 blood transfusions in the last 3 months and finally I got good results on my iron levels and blood count is up and looking better now this happens. Has anyone gone through this ?
on 5/1/08 9:44 am - Vilonia, AR


I have never been through it, but will pray for you.  Please let us know what they find out.  I hope everything is okay and it is easily fixed.


on 5/1/08 1:12 pm - conway, AR
Thank you so much for the prayers. I count on prayers all the time and I know GOD will be there for be monday as he always is.
on 5/1/08 10:35 am - Alexander, AR
Hi there, First of all, sorry you're having to deal with this.  I can't speak about the parathyroid issue, but I can speak from experience about the vitamin D My D level has been low for a year. Continuing to get lower each time it was taken, finally the lowest was 10 (36 is normal).  Every time the doctor would prescribe those stupid green gel caps of 50,000 IU's of vitamin D.  Well,  people who have had a rny don't absorb fat soluble vitamins, A,D,E and K because that is absorbed in the part of our gut that has been bypassed.  So, those gel caps are vitamin D in an oil base, do us NO good. Finally, in desperation, I bought DRY vitamin D from vitalady.com. They are powdered vitamin d in a regular capsule form.  I took them 3 times a week for 6 weeks. When I had my D level checked the next time it was a whopping 67!!!!!  FINALLY my doctor listened to me and said I was the most well informed patient he has. I strongly suggest you check out the vitalady.com web site. The vitamin-D you're looking for are found  under "vitamins and minerals" and they are made by Bio Tech. They are 50,000 IU's which is what the doctor prescribes in the gel form.  They'll cost you about $25 for 100. Good luck on Monday! Now that my level is this high I only have to take one a week to maintain the level



on 5/1/08 1:10 pm - conway, AR
I will email vitalady. Thank you so much for the info.I will post monday after scan to let everyone know what I found out. Thank you all for being here for me.
on 5/4/08 11:47 am - Conway, AR
Please let us know what you find out. In the meantime, I will keep you in my prayer list!
Sendin' huggs & prayers your way,
Rhonda T

