Over did it again.....
Well, I posted yesterday that yardwork is of the devil, and today Im convinced of it. This surgery is so odd sometimes. I dont regret it, I love the energy, but sometimes I dont know when to stop. Last Friday I mowed for over 5 hours, and was exhausted all weekend, felt great Monday and so we started working outside, and the more I did, the more I wanted to do. Well, as a result, I ended up almost in the ER last night, b/c we had 3 large burn piles going, burned a couple of old cross ties, and the creosote in the ties, plus all the smoke and the smell of the stuff we were burning got my asthma kicked up. Why cant I stop when I know I need too. I just feel so good working for the first time and being healthy. Arghhhh.....today I have been in bed b/c when I get up and walk across the floor, I cant breathe. I feel like a bum in bed, but cant do anything else.
I guess the moral of my story is, get out and get moving, but remember, we still have limits, especially if we have comorbidities that will never go away!!! Off to lay back down, have a great day.
All in all, given the chance, Id prolly do it all again!!!!
Rhonda D. the one who pants
You poor thing......asthma is AWFUL! I can speak from experience. I can say though that since I have had my surgery and lost some weight, my asthma is not as bad. Its still there but not as severe as before unless I get into some triggers. You were exposed to a lot so its no wonder you got sick. I know what you mean though about doing it all again! Its like we are so excited about things we can do now that we tend to OVERDO at times. Crazy huh! Well try to get better quick, fast, and in a hurry and take care of yourself!!

I understand the "not knowing when to stop" thing.
I went to the big concert last weekend, and stood for like 11 hours straight. I should have sat down, but I wanted to be close to the stage. A few times I did throw my lap blanket down and sit, but only for a few minutes and then back into the crowd. It was outside, it was hot and it was mostly gravel, so when the mosh pits would start gravel and dirt was kicked up everywhere. I spent the next few days in bed on oxygen, swearing I was dying. I should have known better, and I should have sat down more. Plus my back and knees hurt so bad.
But I did learn an important discovery about myself, "I am not ready for all day outside concerts!" LOL
And my roomie is already planning for us to go to the Hooks and Ladders concert, which is all country, same place, and its for the fallen fire fighters. I am not big on country but so many big names will be there and he wants to go so bad. I told him if he could get me VIP pass then I would go, because the VIP pass tent has tables and chairs and cold water right there, and I would be out of the heat, out of the way of dust and still be able to watch the show. Not sure about enjoying it though, cause I am not big on country.
Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0 -- 50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog