ot.....it sucks
once again life has chucked a curve ball at me. i guess I am getting a divorce . its been 4 yrs and things have just went downhill, lastnight he got arrested for drunk driving.i cant live like this. i told him to move.
the positive to the situation........i got stressed out and did not eat like a ravenous pig for the first time and my scale today said 156.5..........
i did an hour and a half of the elliptical........that burned over 1100 calories.
i ask myself everyday what did I do to deserve the troubles I have been going through. I am ready to give up.
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
Sooo sorry this is going on. Life has certainly thrown you some curve balls, more than you deserve it seems. Im so proud of you for not eating, b/c it seems thats all I want to do lately, and Im not talking about healthy foods. Asthma is kicking my butt, and I want COMFORT food.
You are so much my inspiration, on the days I dont exercise like I should, I read your posts, then I find myself walking in front of the house, or working in the yard. Hang in there, know we are here for you. Call me anytime you need someone, if Im not gasping for air, like I am today, I'll listen to ya. Heck, I can listen anytime.
Hugs and more hugs,
Rhonda D.
I have your number and may call you later.
GYM NATZI is going to hire me to handle his accounts and also set up his clients and his daily schedule.
I have spent all day crying out of fear as to how I am going to manage financially. I come from a family of drug and alcohol abusers and I am the only one who does not and never has used either...I just eat eat eat,,,,,,,,,so when he drinks it is very stressful and I can not go thru my life like this anymore. He is moving out tonight.
I am trying not to miss the gym tonight and GYM NATZI has called me several times to make sure I will be there.......I guess I have to go.....
well I hope all of you are doing well.
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
Hey T,
If you call and Im not here, its because they are taking my mom to Little Rock by ambulance. Her port would not quit bleeding after dialysis this morning, so we are going to little rock to have a new one put in. Small stuff, but major cuz its MY MOMMA!! I will be back sometime tomorrow, should be a minor routine thing, but gonna be there just the same. Hang in there, you will make it, I promise. Get the negative out and move on w/the positive.
Big hugs
Sorry to hear about your divorce. I too come from a family of alcoholics and drug addicts. I truly believe that I was as addicted as the alcoholic but I was/am addicted to food. I have experienced a LOT of help with my relationships and my eating through the Al-Anon program. After my surgery I was amazed at how much help it gave me dealing with emotional eating. It is amazing that even though we don't drink we have really been affected by alcoholism. There are usually meetings in every city. You might try one and see if it helps you.
Well, DANG!!!!!
Honey, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Just when we thought we had you in a "happy place" WHAM..........the stink hits the fan.
I know there really isn't anything I can say to make it better, time can only do that, but please know I'm here if you need me. Even if it's just a bony shoulder to cry on!
Love and hugs,
Hey girl,
I am so sorry to hear about your break-up. I can only tell you about me. I was married 21 years the first time. He's diabetic, an alcoholic and a drug addict. I kept in the marriage cuz I didn't want to 'fail" and for the kids..and cuz I was sure I'd be a bag lady if I was on my own. Well, I took the plunge & left him, I grew very tired of taking care of him..pretty much to the detrement of my kids..and my own health. I got married again about 2 years after that..to another alcoholic. I ended that quickly..knew I couldnt go thru that again..and guess what..I married again..to an even worse alcholic! geez louise...I seem to attract people who want me to take care of them. After a very crazy 3 years with this last one..lucky for me..he cheated..and i filed immediately.
I stayed single for a while..but just last year..I met someone..who doesn't drink..works hard..loves his kids and mine..actually got married AGAIN! (i'm pretty much at my legal limit) This time though..we take care of each other. He loves me ..chubby and all..and is for me getting healthy. so..whatever happens, You deserve to be treated with dignity, and taken care of. There is hope..and I promise, you won't end up a bag lady :)