Walk from Obesity
Hi All.
I saw on Rhonda's question of the day about goals that are being set for this summer and wanted to take the opportunity to tell all of you about our upcoming Annual Walk From Obesity.
It will be held in September, Lauren told me the date but with all the drugs, it's left me..LOL. But anyway, it will only be ONE mile, a great warm up for those of you who are doing the Race for the cure.
Lauren Hill and I are co-chairs of this event and will be needing volunteers for committees. What a great way for all of us to get to know each other!!!
So, stay tuned.....let's start talking it up and getting the word out. It will be open to anyone who wants to attend.
Please do post details. If it's close enough and I am off work I would love to walk. For that matter, I will take the day off lol.. thanks Susan and it's so good to see you back and feeling better.