recipe of the month
this is in my OXYGEN magazine it is a womens fitness mag. I have not tried this........ it is a post workout SWEET POTATO SMOOTHIE
2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder
1 small sweet potato baked peeled and cooled
1 cup skim milk
dash of pumpkin pie spice
bland all ingredients together, add ice is thicker consistancy is desired.
NOW this is a post work out smoothie......which means it helps your muscles recover from the workout. Yes it is high in calories but someone like me who struggles to get in 1000 cals a day this may be helpful
341 cals, total fat 1g, cholesterol 15mg, sodium 230mg, total carbs 25, protein 58g
so anyhow....someone try it and tell me how it is......I am skeered......I dont try too many new things.
have a good one
tabbykat.....who now is working on sculpting her body for 6 weeks per GYM NATZI.
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(