I did it....I've reached my personal goal of 135lbs....that's a total of 111lbs. lost! I actually hit it last week but didn't want to post about it until I was sure it would "stick". When I had my surgery last January, I didn't really think I would ever see this day....I had hoped, but honestly didn't believe it would happen. I've proven myself wrong and I'm 100% healthier today than I've ever been in my life. I bought a dress the other day for my brother's wedding...a size 6! I have to buy my pants in the juniors section because the women's are too big for me and I'm wearing a size 4/6 in tops. I don't remember ever being this size, except in grade school maybe. I just wanted to share my triumph with everyone. For those of you still working toward your goal, keep it up! It will happen to you too! Just keep believing in yourselves. Hope everyone has a great weekend, we're supposed to have sunny skies and NO RAIN! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for all your support and advice, I couldn't have done this without you!

I am so proud for you! I know you have worked long & hard for this day! You deserve it and whoooo hoooo!

I still have 35 more to go but WILL get it off! It is wonderful to be able to go shopping and have a VARIETY to choose from! You looked great the last time I saw you and I can't wait to see you now!
