

on 4/8/08 9:00 am - Rison, AR

Since I have found out that I am going to be self-pay I am having a hard time deciding on which Dr.   The ones I have in mind are Dr. Gibbs, Dr. Baker, Dr. Luttrell and Dr. Wellborn.

P  L   E   A    S   E   !!!!   Tell me what your suggestion is.  I have decided that I am going to go ahead and do the gastric bypass.  I thought of the lapband but I figured the way I am, when I have it taken out I am going to go back to the same ol way of eating.  I want something that is permanent  that will MAKE me change my life.  I have a 2 year old son that needs a mommy!! Also, I won't be able to have the surgery until sometime in August.  We have a girl at work that is getting ready to go on maternity leave and won't be back till then.  I figured that would give me enough time to learn my NEW exercise routine. One more question, I suffer from depression and take meds for it( it is under control at the time), Do you think this surgery is going to throw me for a loop?  I don't think it can be any worse than now.  All I want to do is sleep all of the time so I won't think about my weight. Thanks, Tabitha

on 4/8/08 9:13 am - AR
I picked Dr. Baker because I had always heard that he was the best, even from medical staff working at the local hospitals. I loved him and became even more sold on him after I used him than I was before. I don't suffer from depression, but I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) which is treated with some of the same meds that they use for depression.  I take Lexapro and although I did have to stop taking it for a day or 2 post-op, the surgery did not "throw me for a loop" because I was able to go right back on it after missing it for only a day or 2 post-op.   Good luck! 
on 4/8/08 10:15 am - Bentonville, AR
Something to keep in mind...The lapband is intended to be permanent, it is not removed once goal weight is met.
on 4/9/08 1:50 am - Jacksonville, AR
I chose Dr. Luttrell.  He and his staff are very professional and generously helpful! 
on 4/9/08 6:04 am - Conway, AR
What I did was stay on this board reading and asking questions like crazy! I did research on ALL 4 Doc's you mentioned. I attended seminars with Gibb****trell and Baker. Did phone interviews with Wellborn wife and office manager (they were great but wanted me to lean toward lap band) They actually sent information to me in the mail and set me up with a lap band seminar and I did not go because I wanted RNY.That ruled out Dr. Wellborn for me.
I set up appointments with Luttrell (which I have known for quite a while) appointments with Gibbs and Baker. YEP! I paid the outta pocket for each Doctor! After the initial appointment, I decided that Dr. Luttrell was not the Doc for me. He did not have hospital privilages at St. Vincient or Baptist....That was a red flag to me. Baptist is a Center of Excellence hospital and I definately wanted my surgery there!
In the meantime, I did as much background research on the Doctors as I could on the internet. I asked all the nurses and doctors I knew what their opinion was on the Doctors.
That left Dr. Baker and Dr. Gibbs........I love Dr. Baker ...he is the Bomb! I loved Dr. Gibbs also. Both eighter have backgrounds from Louisiana or Baylor (which is HIGH ON MY LIST). The determining factor for me was the pre-surgery diet that Dr. Baker requires. I own a Grocery/Meat Market and am around food all day! Just did not think I could survive at work without grabbing a piece of ham or cheese before thinking! I felt totally comfortable with Dr. Gibbs His nurse Carrie was great at returning my phone calls and answering my questions. I also was self-pay. Dr. Gibbs office took care of all the appointments and scheduled everything including the nutritionist appointment. They had the amounts (hospital, Doctor and anestiologist) down to the penny what everything was going to be. I handed them the cashiers checks and they took care of everything else.
I know all these Doctors are great and I can only tell you about my experience and my opinion. I have never been more pleased with Dr. Gibbs and Carrie. They have gone above and beyond for me! I can only suggest you go to all the seminars and meet the different Docs for yourself before you make the decision. I hope this helps in some way and feel free to PM me if I can answer any questions.


on 4/14/08 3:27 am - Searcy, AR

I researached, Gibb****trell, and Baker.  I choose Dr. Gibbs for my lap-band.  GREAT doctor, GREAT staff.  Luttrell has no hospital privileges at any of the hospitals and performs the surgery in his office.  NO THANKS!  As previously mentioned, HUGE, HUGE red flag!  Baker, EXCELLENT doctor!  I would have used either Gibbs or Baker.  I have heard how strict Baker is and that scared me away from him.  I need support, not a slap on the hand.  I do have a friend that used Baker and she LOVES him.  So, between Gibbs and Baker, you can't go wrong!

on 4/14/08 4:39 am - Warren, AR
I love Dr. Baker.  He is strict about following the rules, but he's looking out for your best interest. Lap Band's aren't removed unless you have a problem. I'm sure you'll make the right choice for you.
