Back in the hospital!!!
Well the reason no one has heard from me is because i'm being held captive at baptist in room 619. I was only home for like two days and i keep having alot of problems getting my food to go just hurt like hell. till it got to the point it wouldnt go down at all. and everything i put in ...i threw up. ..I was in so much pain when i came in here it was not even funny. Dr. Baker was on vacation and so Dr. Welborn had to be called. He admitted me and i stayed until dr. Baker could get back. I've had all kinds of swallowing test but nothing went through. So Dr. Baker went in with the balloon and was suppose to widen the area because it was smaller than a straw. While he was doing this i was suppose to be sleep....yeah right i woke up during the procedure and commence to fighting because i thought someone was trying to smother me with a pillow. Need less to say i'm good and so is Dr. Baker...we just laughed about it. ....Right now i'm still trying to keep food down...i thought that i would be going home today...but it dosent look like it at all. I really miss my baby so much.
I also want to thank everyone who showed there support to me when i had my surgery and by calling or coming by to walk with me...i thank you so much.
P.S could some one PM me on how to put my tracker on can't get it to work. Thanks...
I also want to thank everyone who showed there support to me when i had my surgery and by calling or coming by to walk with me...i thank you so much.

I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!
Oh honey, just this morning I was wondering how you were and what had happened to you and Will. Mike told me to pm you and see what was going on. I'll give you a call in a bit and see how you are!! Hang in there, and when Dr. Baker comes in, be sure and admire those big blue eyes for me!!! I see him Friday for my 1 year post op appointment, only 2 months late. Talk to you in a bit.
Hugs and well wishes,
Rhonda D.