So thankful
Just wanted to post and tell everyone here, pre op and post op THANK YOU!!!! You will never know what you all mean to me, the support, laughter, tears, trials and triumphs we share are such a blessing.
The people here all have a common bond, not only in weight loss, but in the fact that we all need support in our lives. We all have trials, and I know I could not have made lots of days if it werent for you guys here to make me smile. God is my refuge and strength, and He knows all our struggles, but Im so thankful that he brought you guys into my life to remind me that Im not the only one hurting.
I remember Susan in prolly one of the first friends I made on here, then there was Rhonda T, and Denise, and the list goes on. Jeannie, our busy super woman, gosh, I cant name you all, but you have all been such a blessing in my life.
I know Im really emotional lately, sitting here w/tears rolling as I type, but I just felt like I needed to say thanks, for your calls, personal messages, prayers and words of encouragement.
If you are new here, a pre op or post, let me tell you that you have just entered one of the greatest networks of support and friendship you can enter. We may not all respond to your post, sometimes we may say things you dont want to hear at the time, but we are here for you, we care about you, and we want you to know we are here for you at any time.
Ok, enough rambling, gotta wipe my lil blue eyes, and get my day started, but again, I say THANK A MILLION AND A TRILLION!! I love you all from the bottom of my heart!!
Tears and hugs,
Rhonda D.