Rhonda the horselady, where are you?
Hey, Im here, just not feeling well. Had a minor outpatient surgery Friday (med delivery port placement) All went well, but they put it on the right side, and not the left in case we have to do the pace maker thing. He had to cut deeper on that side, so the muscle is very sore still, did a nerve block, got most of the feeling back. So, all in all, Im ok, just been lolled out on pain pills.
On the other hand, I am battling some depression b/c we still have no answers as to what is wrong with me, getting me down, I know that is no excuse to hide from my closest dearest and loving friends, as we have all had battles and mountains, but I just havent been here much.
Please feel free to call me this evening, if we are home, Id love to talk to you, heck, leave a message and I'll call you back, I miss you.
I have an appointment Friday morning w/Dr. Baker, finally gonna get in my one year post op appointmet, its only 2 months late, ha ha. Then on Monday, I have an appointment in Little Rock w/a cardiologist. We will get to the bottom of this one way or the other!!!
Big hugs, know I love you all!!!
Rhonda D. (the big ball of medical distress)
P.S. Mike say****o all the wonderful people here who love his wife even when shes down and out, and to those who love him too!!