Hi to all my AR friends,
I'm sorry I haven't been here much, well, I've BEEN here, just not posting. I appreciate all of you who have been looking for me, you're so kind.
I guess it's time to fill you in on what's been going on. It's difficult for me to write this, and it will probably be longer than it needs to be, but you know me, I can be long winded.
In February I had to go to ER twice, if you remember. Turns out there were probably two different things going on at once that was causing me so much pain. The first was a ruptured ovarian cyst, which was worse than labor. Of course, as soon as the ER staff found out I had a RNY it's all they could think about so they didn't do a pelvic ultrasound to see if it was something "female". Fine...
Right along with that was another pain in my stomach, which persisted after the ovarian pain should have gone away. I had a CT of my abdomen, upper/lower GI, then an ultrasound of the pelvis (which shows more cysts on each ovary). Mind you, during this time eating was horrible, caused lots of pain and I lost 12 lbs. Now that's ok normally, but I was fighting to keep at 128 as it was, so getting down to 116 was terrible.
I started taking Prilosec and it helped and I was at least able to eat. So, off to Dr Gibbs I go to see what he could find out. He put me on antibiotics for a bacteria that can find a nice little home in the bypassed part of our intestines. I felt better after starting, but he still wanted to do a gallbladder study. There is also a chance there is an obstruction in the small bowel, but unfortunately, it's in a part of the gut that can't be seen on x-ray or CT.....only by going in there and looking. Yesterday I had the gallbladder ultrasound and he found "sludge" in there and says it's gotta go. While he's in there he'll check the small bowel situation. The surgery is scheduled for 4/16.
In the meantime (didn't I tell you this would be long?) I'm fighting to keep weight on, so I contacted JoBeth at Baptist to see if she would give me some healthy suggestions to help me regain some of the 12 lbs I lost. After telling me how successful and inspirational I am, she said I am still at a normal BMI and suggested I get counseling for my food obsessions. I can't tell you how this hurt me, not to mention the mixed messages it sent to me. I can easily eat the way I did before WLS and gain weight, would she rather I do that? Just because some damn chart says I'm normal, it's not looking at bones!!!
Well, of course all of the comments are running rampant through the salon about how I look anorexic, frail, skinny , you name it, they say it. These people would have never dreamed of saying I was fat, sloppy or ugly when I was MO, but they have no problem telling me I'm too thin. Needless to say, between all of my doctors and Nut telling me I'm OK, then listening to people telling me I'm not, I'm going a little crazy here.
I don't feel like an inspiration and I question my ability to be a leader for all of you because of what JoBeth said. I talked to my pcp about all of this and he's put me on antidepressants and Adavan for the anxiety I feel when I get into situations where I feel people are attacking me personally. Yes, I've also made an appointment to see a counselor because I really need help learning to cope with this new body and the comments I'm getting.
So, my friends, there it is. I just wanted you to know that I'm struggling here and why I haven't felt I could offer good suggestions or support to you. You all have been on my mind and I do check in to see how things are going. Please understand that this whole thing are things that could happen to all of us on this journey. It's not just a physical one, but almost more mental than anything else.
I've gotta go to work but will be around tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well.
Hugs to you all