Todays question is......
ok yall hold on to your undies........... inside I have............. IGGY....Italian greyhound age 7 age 15 age 6 age 5 age 3 age 2 age 2 (sister to Cooper) Now outside..........hold on to you undies and bras....and boxers for the men folk age 3....she is a mix of rottweiler and shepard....and just plain big and dumb 3 (gracie brother) ...age 1(brother to tubbs,christina and jay-mar) 1(see above) 1(see above) 1(see above) Do I win for the most pets??????????????????????????????????? dont make me get out my PINK boxing gloves take care
tammy 1 (gracie son)
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
I have a Beautiful Black Lab. Her name is Lexi. This month she will be 4 years old. She is my companion outside when I am working in the yard. She meets me every morning as I leave for work and again as I come down the driveway from work. She is about 80lbs and still comes in the house when it is bad weather! She is very obedient, does many tricks and loves to play in her pool in the summer.
Rhonda T
I have a dog named Willie,(we call him Willie Wonka, because he ate the chocolates, under the Christmas tree) I have no idea how old he is, or what he is. He came from hurricane Katrina. He is the best dog ever. He has been so good for me.
I also have three birds, Angel, Gabriel, and Patty (she came from a friend) That is all of my critters. Candy
No animals for us We had a cat, a huge black one, but had to adopt her out because my youngest daughter developed severe no inside pets for us for a while. We've talked about getting a dog for outside, but we live on a busy highway and we'd have to fence in our yard...just can't afford it right now. But I'd love to have a german shepherd, or a doberman, or an irish setter. If we could have an inside dog we'd get either a miniature dachsund or a king charles spaniel (can't remember the exact name of those dogs, but they're so cute).
So, I gave you my wish list for pets instead of actual pets!
Inside I have an almost 12 year old cat, Smokey, who is driving me nuts using the potty in my hallway....don't know why, I think he's getting senile. Outside I have 4 dogs...Bandit who is about 8 years old and Maddie who is approximately 2 or so and her 2 pups, Lucy and Abbie who are going to be 1 in a few months. I will be happy to give all the girls to good hubby says he doesn't understand why we have a zoo and wants to part w/ all the dogs except Bandit.
Tab wins for sure!