The effects of Carbonated drinks!

on 3/17/08 12:46 pm - Conway, AR
OMG !   I thought I was literally gonna die...First, let me tell you, I have never been one to drink cokes or any soft drinks. I was at work Saturday and I fixed me a fuzzy navel in a styro cup with lid  (it's my normal thing). My sister-in-law (she works for me) had a Mt. Dew in a styro w/ lid. Now mind you, we all write our names on our drinks because Lord Forbid someone gets one of my "Nasty Protein Drinks" he he. Anyway, as I was going to my desk to sit down, I grabbed the drink, took a swig and before I knew it, I had swallowed it and was in such shock I swallowed again! OMG I thought I would Die! My little pouchie is not yet a year old and has NEVER been subjected to anything like that! It burned, and then I cramped, I mean I CRAMPED!  Did I tell you it BURNED! To any of you out there that can drink sodas after RNY....MORE POWER TO YA!   I can't, don't want to and won't. Needless to say, I have started putting my name on the top of the cup. My sister-inlaw was so upset she almost cried. Anyway, it finally came back up and I felt better but for almost 10 min. I was totally miserable.....Did I tell you it Burned BAD! So that's the rest of the story and now you know why the Docs tell us "NO SODAS". Happy St. Patty Day! Rhonda T.


on 3/17/08 10:41 pm - Alexander, AR
Boy, sometimes our lessons are learned the hard way, huh?  I wanted a taste of Gary's soda so badly one night, I just grabbed the can and took a swig. I didn't have any trouble with it except it tasted awful!!!  It had been about a year since I'd had a Diet Coke and never again will be too soon for another taste. Sorry you got the cups mixed up and had this trouble. Sounds like it was a scary and painful few minutes. Take care,



on 3/18/08 4:05 am - Conway, AR
Yep Susan, It was scary. I Finally got to my desk and sit down (by the trash can). I knew I didn't like sodas for some reason. I am such a prude. I just try to follow the instructions that were given to me and not make them up as I go. i just want the best result for me I can possibly have.
BTW I lost a couple of lbs last week as a result of trying to up my liquid, protein and calories....Thanks for all your help!
Sendin' Huggs ur way!
Rhonda T


on 3/17/08 10:58 pm - Hackett, AR
Sorry that happened to you but glad you posted your experience. Sometimes when my daughter is around she will be drinking a coke or a pepsi and I want to take a drink so bad, I have to really fight myself. I am gald I haven't done it. Thanks for the heads up.
It is kind of funny I don't ever want one or miss it until I see someone drinking it.

on 3/18/08 4:15 am - Conway, AR
I actually have thought about having a Root Beer or a Orange Slice BUT then I remember I have had surgery and sluff the thought off. It is not hard for me because I just never drank sodas, NOW MESS WITH MY COFFEE AND UR GONNA HAVE A FIGHT ON YOUR HANDS!
I thought long and hard before posting my experience but I would hate for it to happen to anyone else. It was innocent but I was still scared. NEVER AGAIN!
Rhonda T


on 3/17/08 11:17 pm - marion, AR
i am on the other end of the viscious circle....I can drink them. I was extremely addicted and my dr knew that.....he knew it was going to be hard to give up.......I did for the first year. Now I have 1 a day. But since training with the GYM  monster I have not had one since sunday. i do not recommend them to anyone. Based on my experience....NO NO NO!!!! I am craving them badly like a smoker craves a daughter avoids me when I dont have one. I am trying to give it up......but going from 24 to one.....I have done well. Maybe it is a connection to my past.....a coke always made me feel better in bad times.........I am scared with out it............I dont know. has been a roller coaster ride for 7 years.......I am taking charge once again...... have a good day and thanks for listening tammy

 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 3/18/08 4:19 am - Conway, AR
You crack me up! Good Luck with your "GYM MONSTER" Sounds like this is just what cha needed. Keep it up!
Later Chick!
Rhonda T


on 3/18/08 4:39 am - marion, AR

sunday GYM monster left me on the treadmill for 2 hours at 3 mph and elevated to I have this hard thing in my leg........wholly crap.........its a muscle.........I am gonna be a lean mean fitness machine in no time.......I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today for lunch 4 oz cottage cheese and a few pieces of beef jerkey.............. i have lost my appetite..........he says thats why my weight is not changing also because I am not getting in but 700-900 cals per day..............he told me...........he will fix this problem or I will be doing walking lunges with weights everyday........GYM monster mean!!!!!!!!!!!! he calls me CUPCAKE................... i think we are bonding!!!!!!!!!!




 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 3/18/08 7:54 am - Warren, AR
Sorry Rhonda.  That's terrible!

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