Painful incision sites--help!
Hi, I was banded 3/5/08 so I am one week post-op today & still in some serious pain. The gas pain is working out pretty good...but the two bottom incisions I have are extremely painful! I am waiting on a call back from Dr. Baker's office but thought I would check here too.
It literally feels warm to the touch--like a sunburn and then I have this intense burning feeling whenever I move--sit-up, sit-down, walk, etc. It is nothing like I've ever felt before. Is this the normal healing process? My bandages are still intact. This burning feeling also kind of feels like I'm ripping from the inside out but I'm afraid to pull the bandages off to take a look--I was told they would fall off. Help--this hurts!
Goodness....sorry to hear you are having trouble. I bet that is awful. It kind of sounds like you may have some kind of infection on the lower incisions. Its good that you have put a call into the doctor. I bet they will want you to come back in. That might be the best thing. After my surgery, I developed a red and feverish rash on my lower stomach. I went back to see Dr. Wellborn and he told me that it was a form of strep not staph but strep like you have when you get strep throat. He said I must have picked it up in the hospital. I was worried about the infection but he put me on antibiotics for two weeks and actually it was cleared up within less than a week. Maybe you have something similar to this. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I hope you can benefit from this in some way!! Take care and let us know what happens.