painful port location
hey all, i just went for my first fill today in littlerock with dr. gibbs. he poked me 4 times and still could not find my port. he went deep . i hope he didnt damage anything. anyway, he could not find it because it was deep and i am pretty heavy. i weighed in at 349 today at his office. therefore, he said he would have to do it under fluoroscoppy to find it. has anyone else experienced this problem and will he be able to find it better thanks for the info. i have to go back thursday and that didnt set well since i live 2 and half hours from him. so thats 2 trips this week. please reply asap. brenda
Hey Brenda!! Goodness girl, what are we gonna do? Sorry to hear it was rough on your first fill. I was also heavy at my fist fill but they were able to do the fill with no problem. I have never had it done under flouroscopy so I have no idea how that is. I don't think its painful but I haven't experienced it before. Did they numb you before they did the fill? Maybe your port has twisted or turned some and that is why they had trouble hitting it. I have heard of that happening before. I know that they can sometimes still do the fills when they know which way the port has turned and I also have heard that sometimes they have to reoperate to straighten the port. I don't think the surgery is anything compared to what you just underwent but still you want to avoid that route if possible! I hope thats not the case though! Sorry I can't be of more help on this. I wish I had some great insight or advice to offer you! Hopefully they will be able to find out what's wrong and it will be better for you next time. Just keep your chin up and your spirits high and you will overcome this little bump with flying colors. Keep looking at the prize ahead!!
Let me know how you turn out! I completely understand about the long trips to Little Rock. I have about the same distance to travel and its no fun!! Be careful!