Susan - still scheduled for plastics tomorrow?


Hi Susan!! I agree that it was a good idea to reschedule your surgery. You probably don't need to go into a procedure like this without knowing what is wrong with you to start with. Surely you will find out and be able to correct the problem in plenty of time to have your plastics before your niece's wedding. I bet you are excited about going back to San Diego and seeing everyone!
Also, I must have missed it but what kind of surgery are you having done? I'm curious because just like you, I'm sure there are a lot of us out here who will be considering the whole plastic surgery angle. I like to learn as much as I can up front so I don't go into anything blind. Who are you using for your surgery and what si the round about total cost? Will insurance pay for anything?
Take care of yourself!!
Yep and quite honestly that is my doctors goal, mine was 170 all along! so i am a happy camper. And yes Dr. Vanderpool said I have about 8lbs of skin from what he can tell, but wont know of course until he cuts it all off and weighs it. I know a lot of people get into their 140s before plastics but I knew I would never be like that, so if I even get to 150 with plastics and maintain that is so much BETTER than 322 ever was, and thank you for being here, I really am blessed to have you guys in my life!
Love ya
ps sometime SOMETIME I will come for a support group meeting in LR and meet all of you!