Whatcha Eating.....Tuesday Edition?
Breakfast - chicken broth and coffee
lunch - banana protein shake and yogurt
snack - cottage cheese/pineapple
Dinner - no clue yet.....I'm sure I'll be STARVING by then. ha
What am I talking about? I'm already starving!

Hi Karen, It wasn't TOO bad. It hurt when he gave me the numbing shot...stung rather quite a bit. I was nervous but glad when it was over. NOW I have the nastiest bruise where he did it....big purple thing. Is that normal?? He put in 3 cc's. I HAVE been starving today and just can't do liquids all day so I had oatmeal for breakfast and some pintos and cheese for lunch and now I feel much better. Didn't seem to have any probs eating though. Thanks, Jackie

Thought I would go ahead and post my meals for the day: Breakfast: Plain oatmeal W/ calorie countdown milk 2 cups black coffee, 1 vinti Cinn Dolce Latte W/ whip cream Lunch:Meat & Cheese Taco SF fruit punch, unsweet tea, water, protein bullet Dinner: Probably pintos & Cheese or chicken & noodles again maybe ice tea after dinner and probably no snack I know I need to eat more, I am just not hungry. I am going to have to eat more to get my weight loss going again! Perhaps I will have a snack before bed......maybe a sf ice cream sandwich, we will see. I know we are not the only ones out here that ate today, so come on...What did ya eat today?
SOLID MEAL 1 - apple slices dipped in peanut butter 20 ounces protein drink SOLID MEAL 2 - pintos & cheese 16.9 ounces water SNACK - chicken w/ shredded lettuce & cheese later on.... fluids, fluids & more fluids (because I'm a little behind for the day) I honestly have no idea what I'm having for supper.... something EASY I know that.