Whatcha Eating....Monday Edition??
Hi Sassy, Noticed you are from Hot Springs. Me too. Actually my address is Pearcy. I live out by Lake Hamilton school. I too am waiting for surgery. I've been approved by insurance and I'm going to see Dr. Baker on thursday. Haven't got a surgery date, maybe I will get it tomorrow. Anyway, Glad to meet you and good luck on this journey.
Breakfast: slice of cheese 2 cups coffee black Lunch: Ribeve w/ onions & mushrooms little steak sauce 2 glasses unsweet tea Dinner: Chicken & Noodles & probably sf pudding at least 2 more glasses of unsweet tea & maybe a SF ice cream I had my protein bullet today and plan on getting my B12 shot Wednesday. I have increased my shots to every 2 weeks. What did you eat today? Rhonda T


Rhonda, I have had a few of those days...just recently. I can always tell when Aunt Flo is coming to visit because I just want to eat all day long, and not the good stuff either. I can usually satisfy myself with a protein bar or protein chips though. Here's my day: B: 1 packet of weight control oatmeal L: 4oz. sun dried tomato turkey breast, 1/4 cup chicken flavored brown rice S: banana D: 4oz. pineapple barbecue chicken, 1/4 cup chicken flavored brown rice S: protein bar Before bed: 8oz. calorie countdown chocolate milk TOTALS: CAL: 916 (too low) FAT: 19 CARBS: 119 PROTEIN: 81
My fat and calories are actually a little higher because I sauteed my chicken in a little olive oil. Not too bad today, just too low in calories, I'll have to add something in tomorrow.