Home from hospital!
Hi, I am home! I am very very sore but I made it through.
I had a pretty good experience, minus the unsolicited visit and advice by the pastor at the hospital. All the staff and even my roommate, who did not have bariatric surgery, were very supportive. I was surprised by all the positive supporters until the pastor spoke to me.
I'm new here & new with these smilies so maybe I'm not using the appropriate one; however, I was told that I did not need to have this surgery done and if I'd just worked harder, I could have lost weight on my own. WTF? I'm sorry, that upset me so bad. I am not one of great spiritual belief and found the visit to be very disrespectful...if he would have just came in & asked how I was doing, then that would have been better received than the exchange of discouragement, doubt, and negative words. My husband was sitting next to me and both our mouths hit the floor. Sorry for the vent, I just had to get it out.
I'm glad you made it through. I'm 2 weeks out myself, 1 week out of the hospital. Any bed sores.. OUCH!!! :)
Shame about the pastor though. Sounds like you'll be looking for a new church. My pastor came through, spoke and asked questions. He said a prayer, "... and hopefully, one day Lord, you'll have Will walk with me up those 6 flights of stairs with me..." and so on and so on... He's an adorable man. If you're looking send me a PM, and I'll tell you about my church.
Good luck and stay on those clear liquids. Bleh!! I'm on mush food... WONDERFUL...
Hmm.... I never thought I'd ever say that...
Vent away my friend.
You need to call Lauren Hill and tell her about this!!! I'm not kidding here! If you don't have her number, let me know and I'll PM it to you. At the very least, you should call Dr Baker's office and tell them.
This is unforgivable. Minister or not, it is not his place to say these things to you while laying in a hospital bed. Shame on him.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hurray for making it through and coming home
But phoooey on that so-called minister. That makes me so angry! How dare he speak to you that way while you're lying in a hospital bed recovering from major surgery! His personal opinion doesn't matter and should never have been voiced, his "job" is to offer encouragement and prayer for you to heal properly and be happy and content with your decision. He's not a true minister, in my opinion. I know my preacher would have never done that!
You said you're not one of great spiritual belief...please don't let this one man influence your opinion of the whole of christianity. I have so many people tell me that they were turned off on the idea of going to church and seeking the Lord because of people like this man...that hurts my soul. I'll pray for him. And I'll pray for you too....hope you have a speedy recovery. You had lap band, right? I don't know much about it but there are others on here who do, so please feel free to ask away with any questions you might have...and you can vent anytime you like!
Again, so sorry you had to experience that. But put it behind you and look forward to your new "you"!
Thanks to all of you for your support. Yes, this was the hospital volunteer pastor--not mine, I do not have one. I will definitely complain to someone...was not sure if I just put it on the survey Baptist Health will send or if I should drop a note to Dr. Baker's office. For a minute, I was just in shock that this man said this to me...then I got mad. I'm ok now...I realize that everyone has an opinion...but for him, I did not ask for his nor for his visit...it was downright rude, insensitive and just degrading.
You all look great and Will, I hope you are feeling great very soon. I'm day 3 post-op and still very sore (lapband) and have a lot of uncomfortable gas. I'm ready to get over this hump and start loosing and feeling great! Thanks again for your support, it really does mean A LOT!