I'm alive

on 3/2/08 11:54 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi everyone Just checking in to say hi and that I finally feel well enough to get onto the computer for more than a minute. It's been all I could do to get myself to work, back home and into bed. The pains in my stomach have continued to haunt me, but hopefully there might be light at the end of the tunnel. God willing, it won't be a train! I have a client who is a APN and took advantage of her while she was getting her hair done on Saturday. After explaining all that has been going on, she suggested  1. IBS, 2. Acid reflux(which I had prior to WLS) or 3. Lactose intolerance. To be on the safe side I've gotten rid of my whole milk for Lactaid and started taking Prilosec. The Prilosec came first....as soon as I got off work I stopped at Walgreen's to buy some, and by Lordy, I started feeling better by Sunday morning!  I've talked to Carrie, Dr Gibbs' nurse (hi Carrie), and will be going in to see him on Thursday. Hopefully I'm  on the right track now and will be able to start eating again. Something has to happen soon....I'm down to 116. That's 12 lbs this month!!!! That was ok when I was still in the 200's, but certainly not now.  I've tried to e-mail and call JoBeth for some advice on how to get some weight on, but I'm giving up.  Think I'll send a message to one of the RD's here on OH and see what they say. I miss all of you, and thank you for the postings I saw where you were looking for me. Sorry I wasn't up to responding.  The rest of today I must get caught up on house work....rainy weather always makes me want to clean! Hugs to all



on 3/3/08 1:32 am - Hackett, AR
So glad you are feeling better and will pray that it continues. We have been missing you.

on 3/3/08 7:32 am - Alexander, AR
Awh, it's nice to be missed. Thanks for the prayers.



on 3/3/08 2:16 am - Conway, AR

Hey Susan, Glad to hear from you. I have been busy with Family stuff.....everyone here has been sick for 2 weeks now (except me). I hope Dr. Gibbs has good news for you on Thursday. Let me know.

Many Huggs to you,

Rhonda T

on 3/3/08 7:34 am - Alexander, AR
Step AWAY from the family.....the family is not your friend now!!! LOL Hope they keep their nastiness to themselves and that you don't get it. I am feeling better, but got another blow today. I have ovarian cysts and have to go see the GYN tomorrow morning. If it's not one thing, it's another I'll take those hugs and send them on back to ya! Take care



on 3/3/08 2:22 am, edited 3/3/08 2:51 am - Lexa, AR
Goodness Susan!! Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time here lately. Take care of yourself and let us know when you find out what is wrong. I will be thinking of you and please know that you are in my prayers!    Karen

on 3/3/08 7:36 am - Alexander, AR
Karen, you're doing so well! Thanks for the good wishes, I am feeling better. Knowing all of you were worried about me makes me feel even better! Take care



on 3/3/08 2:41 am - marion, AR

i wish i was closer to give you a hug, hope you feel better and get  to the bottom of this.




 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 3/3/08 4:31 am - Warren, AR

Sorry to hear that you've been going thru such a hard time. Sure hope they can figure out what's wrong and get you well. 



on 3/3/08 7:36 am - Alexander, AR
Thanks Amy, and glad to see you're feeling better.



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