SUPPORT is very important
Ok, can I have a minute to grump?? Pretty please??
I hate that Chubgirl (Brenda) didn't feel supported here on our
SUPPORT BOARD. Regardless of which procedure you've had,
when you had it, & the results you've had, we've all been thru a life
changing experience. We're here to support each other, share
experiences, laugh, maybe even cry, but mainly SUPPORT each other.
Aren't we?
I love this board & it's been such a big help to me. I can't imagine not
being a member here. I can't imagine not having a place to vent, ask
questions, etc, about this whole process & how life changes afterwards.
It breaks my heart that everyone can't have the same experience that
I've had. I realize people are different. I realize that not all personalities
are going to blend. I realize that words can be read differently than they
are meant. But I'd like to think I'm a part of a great group that tries to be
as supportive & helpful as possible. It's always seemed that way to me.
I just hope that a misunderstanding or miscommunication (or whatever
it was) like the one that happened, doesn't happen anymore because
it makes me sad.
Please don't flame me. I'm simply stating how I feel.
