Hey Holly! Not sure if this will help you out any or not but it seems to me that I can remember reading somewhere that if you drink cold (refrigerated) water right after surgery, it sometimes causes cramps in the stomach. Something about the temperature of the water. It was suggested that you drink room temperature water for a while after the surgery. I was able to drink water no matter what the temperature but I took TINY sips. I sipped constantly all day like every few mins. It seemed like I was gettting nothing in but when you think about it, those tiny sips actually add up to a pretty decent amount. Also, DO NOT drink through a straw. Its much easier but you suck in too much air that way and that can be really painful.
Also, to get a little extra boost, you might try gatorade. I would suggest the Lemon Lime ( I think that is the flavor of the yellow kind). It has some calories so make sure you are adding that into your totals. It seemed to give me a boost and just made me feel better!!! May work for you too!
Not sure if any of this will be helpful to you, but I thought I would try. Let us know how you are doing! Hang in there!!
Yes, it's very hard in the beginning to get in your fluid, but it will get easier. Just keep sipping, like they've mentioned. I had 2 cuts that were about 2 inches long and 3 cuts that were about an inch. I also had a hernia repaired (found at the base of my esph), so I'm not sure if that caused an extra cut or not. I never asked. Hang in there! You'll feel better each day.