Update - I backed out!
You read it right. I backed out .... in the pre-op room that morning. I was scared and panicked. I am at peace with my decision. I am not saying that I won't reconsider in the future. Dr. Baker will not even consider me for 6-12 months but I know I need that time to make sure this is what I want. You guys have been a great source of support. I have so much respect for you guys that faced their fears and followed through with surgery. I am cheering you guys on from the sidelines!!

Take care of yourself and good luck with the old fashioned weight loss. Maybe this is the incentive you need to get you headed in the right direction.
Hi Jackie,
So tomorrow is your big day....CONGRATULATIONS! I am new to the forum and I am also having Dr. Luttrell perform my Lap Band surgery. I am waiting on a surgery date. If I can get my bloodwork done before March 6th, there may be a March 20th opening for me. I am so happy for you. Maybe once you feel better, we may be able to chat. I hope everything goes well for you.