I'm going to have to kill my husband...
I know what you mean Amy, I know my will power isn't so great either sometimes. My husband wanted to buy a package of sugar cookies with the frosting from Wal-mart the other day. He wanted them for himself. I told him there was NO WAY those cookies were coming into our house. He laughed and said" I can't have Nuthin"
and we walked away from them and left them sit on the pretty little round table.
and we walked away from them and left them sit on the pretty little round table.
Ok Amy, we will get a bail pool up!!!! But at least he thought of you. Valentines Day is here every day, (not bragging, just feel very blessed) and it is also Mikes birthday. I try to focus on the birthday, and be sweet all year. I must say, the being sweet part sometimes is a MAJOR effort!!
Im proud of you for giving out your kisses, and I like the suggestion for a real one!!!
Hey Amy B., Im all about a gift card!!! We are gonna find you the right man yet, but until then, keep on being beautiful. Off the topic of Valentines, I had to laugh when Amy found her husband on the internet, b/c that is where mine came from as well, and he is the best thing that has EVER happend to me AND my family. It will happen, you are too beautiful to be single long!!!
Hey Tammy, you just make me smile!! Always look forward to reading what you write!!
Everyone have a great day, Im off to take pain pills and think about ways to stay in the saddle ON TOP of the horse next time!!!
Rhonda D.
126 pounds gone forever!!!!

Totally in your boat, but my hubby gave my Reese's cup. What? I don't even like those. After he gave them to me I said to him, "Here, I hope you like them." So maybe I could've been nicer about it, but take the time and find something a bit more meaningful!! I was frustrated. How about a nice pair of running socks, or new shorts or an itunes card????? Something to make my heart more healthy? Ugh. I feel your pain. Men......
Meanwhile, DH ate something bad for lunch thursday and has food poisoning! Threw up for eight hours and still hasn't risen from the bed. I feel bad for him. Well, sorta.....