Hey Everyone,
The meeting is tonight at 6:00 p.m. For those of you who are pre-op, you will meet in the Shuffield Auditorium on the first floor of Baptist Hosp. As you enter the hospital you will turn left at the reception/admission desk and go down the hall to the auditorium.
The post-op gang (we really need to find a name for our group!) will still meet in the back of the cafeteria where we were last month. At 7:00 we'll go join Lauren and the pre-ops.
Hope to see a big group tonight....I'm bringing samples!!!!
The meeting is tonight at 6:00 p.m. For those of you who are pre-op, you will meet in the Shuffield Auditorium on the first floor of Baptist Hosp. As you enter the hospital you will turn left at the reception/admission desk and go down the hall to the auditorium.
The post-op gang (we really need to find a name for our group!) will still meet in the back of the cafeteria where we were last month. At 7:00 we'll go join Lauren and the pre-ops.
Hope to see a big group tonight....I'm bringing samples!!!!
ya'll always get to have fun..........and samples too....gee whiz......
hmmmm you should all submit a name for your group.....let me decide on the name since I never get to take part in all the fun and games......yay.......
have fun and take care
tammy in marion who never gets to have fun

5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(