Reminder....Kroger give B-12 shots
I had my 2nd B-12 shot Saturday at Kroger. It is so much easier than taking the tablet and waiting to take the rest of my vitimins. I am always looking for a way to simplify taking my vitimin coctail. I go for my blood work next month and will be able to make sure all my labs are good. Thanks again for letting everyone know about the B-12 shots at Kroger. It has made my life much easier!
Rhonda T

Thank You for the compliment.
As soon as Susan posted the update that Kroger did the injections, I went to Kroger on Oak and the new one also, Walgreens, Walmart and even Freds...........No one would do them. I work close to Maumelle so I went to the Kroger there both times and did not have any problems. The techs at the other Pharmacies told me that only the pharmists that graduated in the last few years are liscened to give injections to the public and they did not employ anyone that was certified.......Whatever!
If ya ever go to Maumelle, try them. Also, you might try Baker drugs in Conway, other than that, let your fingers do the walkin'. Hope this helps.
Rhonda T

Thank You ITTY BITTY SUSAN! You are the one who looks amazing! After all the obsticles you have been thru in the last year................YOU ROCK! You are definately an inspiration to me. I will share with you that one of the hardest things for me to get use to is compliments, and it is still uncomfortable for me to tell people thank you when they compliment me. I guess I just don't believe they genuinely mean it....Am I the only one who feel this way? Anyway, I make a concious effort to accept the compliment and let people know I appreciate it. I am still a work in progress!
Rhonda T