Oh Happy Day!

on 2/7/08 9:41 pm - Cabot, AR

 Can I whine for a minute?  Day two of pre-surgery diet blown to bits due to my undying urge to have mexican food one last time before my surgery.  Why?  Cause my head is messed up I guess.....ok, so today is a new day right?  Just get over it and do it right today....it's going to be a great day.  HA......Get to work and proceed to lock my purse (keys in it), my bag (shakes in it) and everything in the car......ok, so I will get Security to unlock it...they do that for employees.  NOPE.....they don't do that anymore, JUST GREAT!!!  Ok, so call husband (whose key is 30 miles away at the house instead of 10 miles away on his key ring) and he's got someone out there who can  unlock cars, BUT doesn't know when he can get away.  OR we can call his mom, who will go to the house and get the key and bring it to me but it's too early to call her.  So I wait for my glasses (which help prevent me from getting a headache when I'm working on the computer all day long) and my shakes (BREAKFAST/LUNCH), and all my stuff sit in the front seat of my car mocking me.  wah wah wah wah!  Ok, I'm done.  Just had to get that off my chest!  IT IS GOING TO ME A GOOD DAY!  Hope you all are well today. Jackie

on 2/8/08 2:41 am - marion, AR
I have cramps, my jeans are too tight, my new boobs dont want to stay in my bra, my tax refund is less this year by 1700.00 due to teenage daughter being to old and moving out and working, I blew my eating plans by eating mini pizza instead of healthy food, my co worker is trying to learn our job and keeps messing me up and slowing me down, the men here are all on the rag with me.....I am cold and I just want to go home...... can I have some cheese with my whine???? tabbykat!

 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 2/8/08 7:30 am - Sherwood, AR

I hear that misery loves company.  So here ya go!  I screwed up my two week liquid diet up all week, wigged out, and canceled my surgery.  I want to pout along with you guys!!

Surgery Date - June 13, 2008

on 2/8/08 9:50 am - Alexander, AR
What do you mean you canceled your surgery????? Did you reschedule?  Honey!!! 



on 2/8/08 10:47 am - Sherwood, AR
I am waiting to hear on some new dates. 

Surgery Date - June 13, 2008

on 2/9/08 10:00 pm - Cabot, AR

Oh, I hate that for you but at least I know I'm not the only one who has cheated and wondered if my head was right for this procedure!  Hang in there, I know I am - I'm so sick of being a big girl!  After my mexican food splurge I have been pretty good.  I did eat some crust of my son's grilled cheese yesterday but I practiced chewing it to tiny bits before I swallowed!  It's hard to do that with bananas and cottage cheese. ha Ok, I feel better now.  Thanks for helping me out of the funk! Jackie

on 2/11/08 12:28 am - Warren, AR
Hang in there Ladies!    We'll make it!

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