Roll call.....Everybody ok???
Did your policy have the $4,000.00 max yearly benefit for this type of procedure? That is where I am running into a problem. The hospital quoted 3 different times one figure (that I was going to be able to afford) and now is coming back with a totally different figure - which I will not be able to afford. They are telling me it is because of the $4,000 max that they missed the first 3 times they gave me quotes.
I have Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and they approved me on the first letter from Dr. Luttrell. Whenever you do your medical history w/ your surgeon (If you haven't already) make sure you indicate absolutely everything that could be weight related. Like do you snore loudly, if so indicate that on the history form cause it could possibly be sleep apnea. Anything like that will help you.
Good Luck. Keep us posted!
Im good also...the power went out for for 2 hours and came back on in time for American Idol....but when i woke up this morning and the power went out while we were sleeping. No damage but freaked my kids out bigtime......Don't tell anyone but it scared me to...but someone has to play the role of the brave adult.....
but i rather run and them...

I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!